
Kinda weird that Chad Smith looks older than Farrell. Or, maybe he is older.

Settle down Chelsea Dog-ler. (Speaking of Dogs — how about Pavlov's for you - as in, I doubt you can plant yourself in a Jolie thread and not say your favorite word, 'branding.' Snicker. Guffaw) What a loser you are. What's it like to get your nose constantly rubbed in the bliss of someone you live to hate's, life??

Yes, it's called TiredofBasicBitterJealousBitches-itis. Now get a life Meangirl McHomelyslice. Accept the fact that u mad, cuz you ugly n' shit and keep it movin' Susan.

John Mayer is back on twitter? When did this happen?

Well if that were your 'career,' it might be somewhat of a drag after a while. On a scale of 'What to tell your grandkids about your life's accomplishments' - where #1 would be, "I cured cancer"....I'm pretty sure "pussy shaver," at Playboy would be negative 1 billion. With ball shaver at Playgirl being negative 1

Yes it's me, Anuston and Chelsea Trash-ler. Please, get OVER IT. He's not coming back Jen. He left that rebound, childless union of 4 years, a whole decade ago hon. No mystery. No need to, 10 years after the fact, deride, slur and attack me, the woman who came next just because I eclipse the plain, average no-talent

Excuse you, disingenuous much? We're not discussing celebrity crushes being valid or not. I think James Spader is hot. I don't go around comparing him to Pitt for shits & giggles, because people will look at me oddly.

Lamest most regurgitated retort (Hi ____ <—fill in blank) in the history of the interwebs, but then appropo to Aniston's basic fanbase, er, enablers.

Excuse me, Dr. - are you confusing her with Catherine Zeta Jones? Who is a diagnosed, and admitted borderline personality disorder and bipolar person? If you're not. Tell me, how is it you can diagnose Angelina Jolie, when you've never met her? Also, she's said she's never been in therapy ever, and has not been

Aniston makes her charitable causes very public, I see her hugging kids with cancer at St Judes on those TV commercials, and on Cancer telethons - again on TV, and she once took Billy Bush to Mexico to promote her flop with Gerard Butler, and gave something to a Mexican orphanage there on camera (like some old purses

"Oh I just checked! It's true! I'm being raised by surrealism, but only in the mind of this do-nothing lard ass of a homely racist sitting behind his/her computer ridiculing the interracial adoptions of accomplished beautiful Oscar winning movie stars they hate."

She wasn't opposing what McCray said, this is an aggregated new item, which the NYDN (and Jez) decided to regurgitate, juxtaposing the two apple and orange opines. The actual question and answer is sourced up thread, and printed in full. It's possible and probable she didn't even know what she had said.

Not true.

..and if I have to read one more post start out, 'I'm no fan of Angelina but,' — bitch nobody asked you if you were a fan. She has a enough fans, she really doesn't need basic bitches still grinding their teeth over Pitt leaving Aniston in the dust 10 years ago.

Yup. I was like, 'Okay NYDN, McCray was a middle class new Mom who wanted to work and had guilt, Jolie is a very wealthy movie star saying women in similar positions shouldn't gripe because they have massive resources....two different subjects entirely.

It's funny how Mimi Anderson, Nicole Kidman, and Katie Holmes have all been married to Tom Cruise. Wait, no it's not.

The main reason they haven't had it, is because Gwyneth and Aniston share the same power PR flack, and he makes more money off of Aniston's being an eternal everywoman dumpee, than he ever could off former ex-pat band wife & Mom, Gwyn.

Jezebel, sadly, IS playing along. They do this with Jolie alot. They even wrote a piece on how she 'hides her nannies,' (FALSE) a few years ago, when I had read several interviews much like this one, where Jolie and Pitt are going on about their nannies, the kids schedules and how grateful they are for the

Exactly, it was a really supportive comment, yet two major outlets were deliberately deceptive, and made it falsely seem like Jolie was taking on Mayor deBlasio's wife (NYDN) and Goopyth (Huffpo).

Glad you posted that. This new thing the press does is such bullshit. We already get unsourced aggregated bullshit news, now one outlet takes the from another, and spreads the bullshit in a nice thick layer. It's like the fucking telephone game. No one reports the actual source material anymore. This is just an