
Yeah, the 'devolving into homophobia,' bit from Tracey is more than a stretch IMO. Herman says he was first sexually abused by two girls who were restraining him as a boy trying to get his pants open. Restraint may be his trigger. Flash forward years later and someone is grabbing his leg restraining him for sexual

Man, how dumb is Palin? Hilary is to be a grandmother, the only way that happens (biologically) is if she were to have been pregnant, given birth and her child is now expecting a child. So where is this 'birth/pregnancy is a new, eye opening experience that may cause Hilary to rethink,' even coming from? She's so

OMG, I know right. lol

Wow. Here's a few more, Charlize Theron and Angelina Jolie were in 6th grade, and Madge's last boyfriend I don't think was born yet.

Are you really this fucking obtuse? Or do you honestly not know the difference between publicly stating loyalty (for selfish, usually dubious reasons when you're talking the person's family/friends who are accused of heinous crimes) and BELIEF?

Look, I usually don't engage people ignorant of facts, or tools being deliberately obtuse in some masturbatory exercise to show off the dog-eared thesaurus lodged up their own ass.

I think Madge's outfit this year would have been done more to steal attention from her ex-husband Sean Penn and new love, Oscar winning beauty Charlize, who were both on the red carpet together as a couple.

You're full of SHIT, as is your bogus 'comparison' premise between Farrow and Keaton.

I see we've moved on to a new talking point. I'll make this short, simply because I call bullshit. A child telling her mother she was molested, in the words a child would use, has to be THE MOST harrowing, gut-wrenching thing a parent can hear. I don't know what a parent goes through but my guess is, the first

You're not only a gross apologist for creepy old farts that young upstanding women say molested them as children, you're also a hypocrite. Chastising posters for 'name calling,' then doing your level best to act the same way.

Telling, that not ONCE in your 'Mia is an evil hypocrite slut,' diatribe do you mention the young woman DYLAN FARROW who categorically, and in great detail describes how she was molested by Woody Allen as a young child.

There's no "physical evidence," for any of the Sandusky victims, and there's a witness to only one of the several dozen victims being molested. I'm sure you're aware that Sandusky's arrest, prosecution and conviction, occur in less than 10% of actual sexual abuse cases - so what is it that you're REALLY saying? For

Why not do your own research? The judge demolished Allen and his slimy character. Also, it's a fact that Mia and her children have long had a home in upstate Conn where Allen regularly stayed...so all of this, 'he was never around her and he didn't stay with her blah blah,' is bullshit.

LOL, I remember at the time when that piece came out (with the purported 'Soon Yi' statements), several people who were/are very familiar with Allen, and had known him for years, to a one, said that the tone, cadence and vocabulary used were all Allen, and that Soon Yi doesn't even begin to sound like that.

He wasn't planning and had no intentions of marrying her at all. Allen was exposed as an aging letch perving on his partner's emotionally stunted socially awkward virgin teen daughter. They both were exiled. Where was she going to go? How would that look? Allen destroys fragile disabled stepdaughter and family for

Oh stop being disingenuous. It's sickening. There is such a thing as Google where people can easily find out you're full of shit. He groomed her while a young, impressionable, emotionally stunted, socially awkward virgin teen. The girl met him when she was 9 or 10 years old for God's sake, he took pornographic

I don't know...I remember the ring she and her PR flack tried to fob off on an unsuspecting public as a Vince Vaughn engagement ring, looked a lot like this lozenge but was a canary yellow diamond. I'd say that's not a coincidence.

First, I think you're wrong about that since the entire Jolie diamond ring (band and all) is made of baguette diamonds while Anuston's cloudy halls mentholyptus lozenge is not - but even if you were correct, I think most people figure Anuston just bought the ring for herself (kinda pathetic), thus there's no gloating

Symbolic of the Pitt and Anuston short-lived over-hyped union.

I'm betting the judge saw the surname of the child victim, Moralez, and did his racist best getting this rapist off. If the victim had been blonde and blue eyed with a surname more or less like his or the defendant's, I highly doubt we would have seen such a sickeningly ridiculous lenient sentence.