
Me too! Like I'm the only one who notices that Jennifer Aniston has had a complete face transplant since Friends ended. Maybe others notice too, but she's sooo coddled by people, no one wants to say anything, ever. lol

Well, he certainly *was* a stoner - and even pointed to that, along with his marriage as making him a 'depressed stagnant donut on a couch,' or some such comment. Remember, this is the comment where everyone accused him of 'dissing Jen,' and wanted a public apology. (eyeroll, lmao).

It's strange about that one line, 'screaming at the ocean,' because that was a line from Aniston in the midst of her split and post-split with Brad Pitt, she said she'd have to 'scream at the ocean,' of course the 'team' rivalries snarked on her about it for years - now, there's this item that says Jolie 'screams at

It's strange about that one line, 'screaming at the ocean,' because that was a line from Aniston in the midst of her split and post-split with Brad Pitt, she said she'd have to 'scream at the ocean,' of course the 'team' rivalries snarked on her about it for years - now, there's this item that says Jolie 'screams at

Ok, Imma need you to scale your rage for Kristen Stewart down from Osama Bin Laden levels, to just mild annoyance levels (example: McDonald's order taker who forgot your napkins) These two things don't equate, if they do - that would make you very very unwell, please get help.

Thank God, consistency at long last on Jez.

Better yet, put Kenya Moore on the cover and watch Nene's head explode. ;)

I think you should pull Kiera Knightley and put that lame Jen Aniston 'uncool' cover where she name drops Angelina to make it onto Vogue, up instead.

right. eddie murphy did it as did the wayans.

I seriously thought that was Shaun White. lol

Hmmm. I believe Kristen Stewart's middle finger is way more sincere.

What about this travesty? Especially that 'uncool' headline - which let"s face it, is why she got the cover in the first place. Where's Lisa Kudrow's cover?

I found his piece quite similar. Allen spent 4 paragraphs on Mia Farrow and Frank Sinatra, and not on the woman who accuses him of raping at her age 7 in an attic. While Richardson writes of Robert Mappelthorpe and how his work is received in comparison. Diabolical deflective tactics designed to remove all agency

Thank you! I was ready to throw my laptop at the wall.

Wait a second. Be careful. Don't let him change the subject. This isn't about how his 'work is perceived.' It's about how he preys on young models and cajoles them into sex acts during the shoot for his own gratification. Most of these incidents, occurred because the women, at the time, were unaware of what he

Are your parents conservative? That's probably why they gave you that impression. Clarence Thomas was an Uncle Tom approved by the Bushes and the right-wing machine to sit on the Supreme Court and act in lockstep w/its most conservative members. Hill was doing something that could have impeded his confirmation. It

Because white women (waves at Paris, Lyndsey, Miley, Bieber - and hell I haven't heard what Katie Perry's actual voice sounds like yet) & adolescent Disneybots shouldn't be the only ones allowed to suck and make 'giant vats of money' off autotune. A 44 year old Latina can do it too, and take 'em to school.

That's what I was doing. Hahaha. I guess it works. IluhyuhpapiIluhyuhluhyuhluhyuhpapi

Well, she's white. She also spends a lot of time not facing the camera, as no one is interested in her face which is kind of sad. That said, I think quite a lot of people are being duped. I think she's had butt implants/injections. Main reason being, several years ago, she was on The Today Show, topic was Parents

What do you mean by 'pretty truthful?' I think she's inherently dishonest, and akin to a nasty viper - she also hates women and is steeped in hypocrisy IMO. Her good points? There are few, but she is ambitious (fucking the married CEO of E proves that), and does work hard to build her cable late night talker