Talk data to me

What counts is that she’s progressive compared to McConnell. If she beats him, it’ll all be worth it. While it would have been nice for Booker to have won, McGrath is a isn't short shrift for Kentucky. 

Fresians are big horses, surely much too big for a little girl.

I know it’s not as common in Western riding, but I really wish they were wearing helmets. The kid in particular. Both for safety and to set an example, given the obscene reach of KK’s influence.

Raise your hand if your mom ever called J.C. Penney this: Penney’s.

I always thought that was the problem with twilight. All vampire tween books are demonstrably trashy... but whhyyyy were the twilight ones over 500 pages (or whatever it was).

If we get it, I’d love to see if Edward Cullen still has the weird character trait of being a music snob who thinks the 60s and 70s were bad decades for music.

Exactly. I’m not one of those people out there ranting about reverse sexism and women getting “passes”, but her comments are gross and your comparison is fair.

Women with huge tits are better, but women with small tits are more docile, which is preferable.

I don’t know how reasonable your landlord seems, but it might be a good idea to be proactive NOW and let them know that at this point, you’re being harassed by Joe about this non-issue. And be sure to let them know that he’s had issues with previous upstairs tenants, as well. And tell them he seems nearly obsessed

We lived in the country. Our neighbor shot our pet rooster with a bow and arrow. In the winter. There was blood, an arrow, and feathers left in the ditch where he was shot, but no bird. I have always wondered if they ate our rooster. RIP, buddy, we miss you.

Yup. I already worked from home, I already didn’t go out a ton, during normal non-isolation-protocol my last few weeks probably wouldn’t have been a whole hell of a lot different. Yet, knowing with absolute certainty that the next four to six weeks (at least) is going to look exactly like the last two weeks is

Busch Kierkegaardens

I cried or laugh-cried the whole forking episode. Probably the hardest when Tahani finally gets validation from her parents.

I hated seeing The Good Place go, but I loved watching it leave.

I appreciate a “why would i work when I don’t have to?” attitude as an antidote to America’s Protestant work ethic, that’s for sure.


there are two kinds of horse girls, those that own horses and those who dont. its the latter you need to watch out for.

Honestly we need to stop giving oxygen to Warren’s native american thing. Family claims of NA ancestry were very, very common in mid-late 20th century White America - especially if your family had been in this country for many generations. This was the case in my family and, since this was all way before DNA testing,

It’s impossible to know what was said at the meeting, which was a private one; both clearly believe their version of events.

I tend to say that in the majority of human history, the poor were just literally starved to death. Whereas now, we have unhealthy, cheap, subsidized food where the poor are killed by diabetes or heart disease instead. And then blamed for it.