Talk data to me

They’re only designed for a certain range of heights. It helps that many manufacturers have added this feature, but even in cars with adjustable ones (and adjustable seat heights), I’m short enough that it’s still not enough to be on my shoulder instead of my neck (5'1").

No, a large number of female (and shorter male) drivers simply do not have that option. It is not physically possible for me to sit 10" from the steering wheel and still reach the pedals. Not even CLOSE.

According to “Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men,” these dummies don’t even get tested in the driver’s seat, either— only as passengers.

If cars are having these features now, that definitely needs to be advertised more, but be sure to notice that the blame here is not with women drivers. Even doing everything possible to sit as far from the steering wheel as physically possible, at 5'1", I’m never going to be able to position myself in a way that’s

Yes someone has written an entire book about this and other issues caused by researchers and building the world and building things like medical knowledge with only men in mind, and the article is based on that... How does Jezebel not know about Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez?! Seems like something the

Yes, I always said Ariel is an anthropologist! She has always wanted to go study the land and the human stuff, Eric is just a catalyst. She finally sees some humans up close, they’re having a fun looking party and don’t seem to be monsters at all, then she actually gets to rescue a pretty one, so being a teen she

Ugh, this is going to create such a nocebo effect....

How is it possible that so many apparently functional adults lack any understanding of how adjectives work? If I say “I don’t like green apples,” will Meryl Streep’s response be “How can you say all apples are green?!”

This definitely applies in Japan, which is a wonderland of amazing, cheap socks (perhaps because of how often you’re expected to take your shoes off in public), but I’m not sure this advice would apply to every country.

Sanderson has already said that he wouldn’t do it, even if asked. I think the reason was, as Zero implies, fundamental incompatibility of worldview/tone.

Wow, you look amazing!

I was terrified of getting locked in a store overnight for some reason. If I was ever with my mom shopping near closing time and they started to do that thing where they half-close the metal gates I would panic and demand to leave immediately.

Is it wrong that this one made me smile? I’d better take this opportunity to go to bed before I never sleep again.

Correct answer is kimchi! And maybe also just a little bit of sesame oil.

I want to fill this with fish and just carry it around town. It seems like the only appropriate use.

PA is a swing state and eastern PA loves those Eagles. Yesss.

All these people in the comments trying to explain how when *they* told Hillary to shut up and go away, it somehow wasn’t sexist. This is a natural impulse to make ourselves feel better, but we’re just fooling ourselves when we do this.
We need to come to terms with the fact that yes, we do see the world through

Name the lead author, Lisa Neu! The only scientist named in this article is some random dude not even involved in the study. Do better please.

It always has been. Men condescend disproportionately to women. Now that young women are, on average, more educated than men, and men are still explaining stuff we already know to us on a regular basis, this is getting named and called out.

They’re stimuli from a shoot/don’t shoot experiment. You’re supposed to push the “shoot” button only if the person is holding a gun, but people of all races tend to mistakenly shoot African-Americans holding innocuous objects— doesn’t make a difference if you think you’re racist or not.
Bad photoshop is a widespread