Talk data to me

Eh... I don’t know. While I don’t think it’s a “gotcha” question, I do think that it is a question that involves some thought. I think I would have been more offended if her pat response was MLK Jr. or Jesse Jackson or some shit like that because they are names that are low hanging fruit, so to speak. I think her

Yeah, this may have everything to do with IG and FB being uncool with vaginas but it has the neat side effect of preventing women from being bombarded by ads for nonsense that is, at best, completely unnecessary and, at worst, legitimately harmful to their health.

If we’re going to stand up for general morality, we should also educate people to understand that when you sign a contract, you are bound to it, and that a company as big as Activision Blizzard will 100% take action against you if you violate it.

Man, there’s a bunch of dipshits in the comments essentially all crying “I don’t like protests when they’re inconvenient!”

Gee, I’m so sorry. It’s crazy that people like me care to point out silly things like companies participating in the suppression of dissent against an authoritarian government during a massive crackdown on millions of people wanting nothing more than democracy and personal freedom.

I’m glad most of this comment section doesn’t need a dilator to have comfortable sex. But I wish people would stop shaming others for what they need medically.

I live in NYC and am really aggressive as a pedestrian. I figure, there are literally zero consequences right now for drivers here who kill pedestrians (visit gothamist dot com if you don’t believe me, so if you’re going to mow me down, I’m going down swinging.

Is the name Ava Berlin raising red flags for anyone else?

You notice his team’s defense is that Sonni’s version is “dramatic” and “one-sided”, but they’re not actually saying “false.”

Lol as long as it takes out the hassle of trying to find my save spot, charge the damn thing. Take my $1.

This is taking a while. Would I be a total asshole if I charged $1 for this? 

hey fellow horror fans, i’m currently putting together a PDF of all the stories so they’re easier to read. anyone want a copy?

When I get back to the hotel I will type it. It will be lengthy. And most likely censored. Might do an uncensored version for those that really want to know...

Who in the fuck hands out baby bibs, jewelry, barbie dolls, and books on Halloween?

THAT’S the scariest part of your tale.

I hope I’m not too late, or too gray! But anyway here is my spoooookkkkyyyyy story.

we were removed enough to see deer in our yard every now and then

It’s a joke, as the “pumpkin seed story” was probably the freakiest poop story you’ve ever heard. As I recall, a lady ate one or two pounds of pumpkin seeds, and they came out . . . all at once, along with everything else that was backed in behind it.

AGH! OMG, the footprints coming out of the frozen lake! That’s a good one.

Two stories to share, if that’s OK.

I once placed a Grubhub order only to find out that I accidentally ordered 3 of one large dish instead of just 1. I tried to use the chat function, but was told I had to call the restaurant **lightning strike sound**.