
Let the one who has not gotten drunk and wandered into a stranger’s apartment with no pants cast the first stone.

I really don’t understand all the uproar over this. It’s not like he’s done something truly reprehensible, like sit or kneel when other people are standing.

I *still* can’t believe that no one (besides those already convinced) gave a shit about this. Dude called 500+ charities to try and confirm what DJT had said about his charitable givings, and no one on the right cared.

Diana, your work is incredible and important and thank you.

“Drain the swamp” means different things to Trump voters than it does others. People on the left keep thinking “his voters will turn on him once they see how he’s staffing his administration with political and financial elites.”

Hell yes, and don’t forget the veterans groups, each led by a Native American woman vet, who showed up to protect the water defenders. Now that is fucking American. Fuck these corporate, fossil fuel, fuck-the-environment bastards.

Has he ever been caught smoking marijuana? If not, there may be a few NFL teams curious about his willingness to coach there...

“As New York Times columnist Michael Powell noted, Liberty spoke with 83-year old former coach Greg Teaff, who last served as a Baylor employee in 1992, and several members of the Baylor Board of Regents. Pepper Hamilton officials were not contacted; Baylor’s athletic department chose not to comment on the

I think the athletic department was just preparing these budding journalists for the real world, where the Trump Administration will pull their credentials for unflattering coverage.

And even if he had. What would he do about it? The jobs he pretended he would save are mostly in mining or manufacturing and held by men.

My favourite is the one who somehow thought Trump would solve the wage gap?! Even if you buy into his “I love women. Women are tremendous” bullshit, was I asleep when he acknowledged the wage gap?

“But but rich people won’t steal! And he has nice daughters!”.

I know right, he has records of his cons and it was told to them, it’s like they didn’t even fucking listen.

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

I just can’t shake the feeling that I wouldn’t loathe this little saga so much if it was someone else doing it.

Ha. That Breitbart tweet last night from the US House Science Committee pretty much ensured a permanent small hole there.

I’m pretty certain that’s the inscription beneath Baylor’s crest.

I thought Cthulhu praising was more of a CIA thing.

“F’tagh! F’tagh! His will be praised! Also, we have a meeting at 3:45 with Alhazred!”

Public art is, generally, a good thing. $750,000 doesn’t seem too excessive for this.