
Granted Russillo owned up better than most, but it always bugs me when they don’t apologize to the people they actually hurt.

Could you link me to an example of Diana’s negative coverage? She’s one of the voices I trust the most when it comes to this kind of reporting, and I’d be curious to hear her rationale. (That’s right, I admitted it. There is the occasional thing on the internet that slips my notice. It’s a problem I’m working on ;)

The FLSA protects workers’ civil rights to minimum wage and overtime (at least for now); it skates around the rights of people who are doing religious work (this is called the “ministerial exception” and applies to multiple laws, not just FLSA). The ministerial exception is a doctrine, mostly established by court

I don’t know if that’s true for all Deadspin writers. Diana wrote a piece during the Josh Brown fiasco on why zero tolerance doesn’t work and the ideal solution is for a team to support offenders through rehabilitation (she acknowledged, of course, how unlikely it was that sports teams would take the time and effort

Other people have already said it in these comments, but thanks for all the work you do, Diana. Whenever I see your byline it’s a must-read.

Good for Michael Schill and Chris Sinclair, but when it comes to defending student journalists, the University of Kentucky journalism faculty dropped the mic. I mean, honestly. “We thought this was inappropriate” was the best UO could manage?

And if he has been, there’s always the NBA.

Just like the ozone!

Yeah. Even if it turns out one of his “disruptions” works really well, the God tier-level recklessness they (seemingly) represent is probably a net negative in the long run.

MEMO: Alhazred devoured by invisible beast, working group on development of “Mad Arab Registry” rescheduled for next week.

Rydingsvard changed the title of her piece to “Cedrus” because she thought “Convergence” might give the game away.

Lucien Greaves, who also answers to Doug.

Please, he was only 78 ;)

Am I the only one wondering if the wildcat phone calls thing might turn out to be crazy like a fox, rather than just crazy? I mean, I studied Japanese history, so I’ve got a decent idea how vital it is to observe protocol scrupulously in diplomacy with China. I just can’t shake the feeling that I wouldn’t loathe this

This article kind of goes along with what you’re saying ... I’m not sure how much I buy it, but I definitely agree Trump et al. did a much better job saying things people liked hearing. (As you say, even if they didn’t love the guy himself.)

True. Grade A trolling by Pakistan. If it’s legit ... there’s always a chance it could be coming from one of these brave truth warriors. In that case, we’re the dupes and I withdraw my compliment.

Now you see, that’s why we’re part of the problem, not part of the solution. We just can’t stop being socially divisive!

I don’t actually remember, but that rings a bell. You’ve got to give the GOP credit ... it was a really goddamn cunning and ballsy move. If they play it wrong, they’re revealed to be corrupt, retrograde nihilistic fuckwads. But they played it perfectly--Dems were damned if they did and damned if they didn’t.

Ooh, I’ve never heard of the POC actor quota before! Somehow I’m betting liberals won’t be getting credit for creating jobs in this case. *eyeroll* I spent most of my time staring at the cranberry jelly.

So his PO would have to get a top secret clearance, right? That would be a fun.