
That’s the thing; even they don’t really believe it. But, damn, if that racism, xenophobia, and misogyny overlaid on top doesn’t feel so good to them. He wasn’t selling anything any other Republican hasn’t sold, it’s just this time he covered it with whip cream to make it irresistable for them. They know they are

Yes, the mere act of identifying a fucking moron is the ultimate condescension because we should respect their feefees while they disrespect our rights

Right — if smart is bad, then why do they get mad when we call them stupid? Isn’t that what they think is best? They should thank us.

My grandma successfully ignored her lung cancer and certainly didn’t die from it in 1988.

Right? Oh, am I an intellectual elitist because I like facts? Well, so be it then.

But liberals are smug and condescending when they point out these people are idiotic fucknuts.

“That’s been around forever. If you keep reporting on it, it’s going to grow like a cancer,” Paula said. “If you forget about it, it’s probably going to go away. The media has to hop on everything and it’s wrong.”

That’s one of the things that drive me crazy - those people whose sons were imprisoned for “doing less than Killary did” who have dedicated their lives to imprisoning Hillary. Hey, how about fighting to free your kid if you think he’s innocent, not demanding that so long as your kid’s the victim of an injustice other

It’s only so he can bring up Crooked Hillary again. So he can say “If Crooked Hillary had been anyone else, she’d have been charged with a crime like poor Petraeus was! She gets treated better than our veterans, just like the illegals who voted for her!”

He has a dick, they won’t care.

I really hope it’s him just to see how the “lock her up!” contingent react to someone who was actually convicted of leaking classified info.

The thing that got me was how routine the hit looked. This wasn’t Vontaze Burfict cleaning Antonio Browns clock in last years wildcard playoff. How many times each Sunday do you see a similar hit to the one Kuechlys took? As as has been said many times before there really is no way for the league to regulate this out.

Loved how she slowed down and tearfully savored that last stanza:

first off, thank you addressing my sentiments with dignity and trying to seek understanding, and not by lambasting me for being sensitive or some other bullshit. and to answer your question honestly: i don’t.

as a non-white, US born and raised person today, i do not find myself welcome in this country anymore. to tell me to feel otherwise belittles the pain i am experiencing and quite frankly is not a right anyone has to impose upon me. furthermore, i will not let well-intentioned people just sweep away the statement made

I empathize with their economic anxiety but I guess my question is, if I wasn’t a straight white male would empathy even be an option or would they view me as less than human?

Honestly? Not really not now.

Trump is a result of liberals being mean. Understood. I will start wearing my Journalist. Rope. Tree. shirt so everyone knows how loving and respectful I am. Or should I wear the Hillary is a Cunt one? Let me know so I can be nice again.

I like when people toss out “PC” and “SJW” as pejoratives. It’s so much easier to figure out who is a horrible person not worth my time that way.

Damnit I liked Bruce too. Now there’s like 3 people left in the NFL that I actually like. I wonder what they’ll do to make me hate them too.