You made me really curious as to the reason for the weird floor numbering, but, you are right, there is no reason except to stroke Trump’s ego:
You made me really curious as to the reason for the weird floor numbering, but, you are right, there is no reason except to stroke Trump’s ego:
Being a workaholic is not an admirable trait. CEOs who can’t delegate and who can’t balance responsibilities cannot be successful in the long-run. He clearly isn’t taking the advice of those around him, which is another example of why he’s good at starting businesses but not good at running them well.
Psst, Elon. Hire a grown-up with management experience to run things and take Twitter off your phone. It’s not this hard.
He’s got 20 billion to his name, there’s literally no reason why he has to work another minute in his life. I’d like to see elon cash in all of his money, and then take that 20B and shove it up his urethra.
Also, please note that Trump resides on floors 66-68 in a 58 story building.
Why fuck the NY Times?
Like they need to drill holes to install spy equipment. He uses a personal cell, with surely no security on it. His WiFi probably has "password" as it's password. If Russia wants a listening device, they just have to ask. China could just send him a new phone as a gift. And failing all that, a membership at his…
Fuuuuuuuuck this guy. Seriously.
This ties with the recent Rolling Stone story on Johnny Deep for “Story they thought would rehab their image but did the exact opposite.” You can put lipstick on a pig but you can’t put a good P.R. sheen on a slime ball.
Yup. His cars apparently suck, and all his PR stunts have completely backfired. Not sure which of these has been worse for him, but one was completely avoidable by deleting twitter.
He had to work on his BIRTHDAY?? Oh, the horror.
This is someone with infinite options to choose another way to be. Who could choose to use his money for something other than earning more of it.
Oh, boo hoo. Hopefully Musk has some $100 bills around to wipe his tears with.
His emo billionaire schtick is so tired it’s pathetic at this point and no amount of fluffing from the NYTimes is going to make him a sympathetic character.
Poor muskrat is so sad that his golden boy star is waning and people are finally seeing what an asshat he is.
When you’re an immensely powerful man worth nearly $20 billion who tweets like an impulsive, immature teenager and discourages employees from unionizing...
Ha! Trick question! NOTHING is beneath Donald Trump!
Yep. Of course Trump will find every possible way to line his pockets.
Oh my god. They’re actually considering using what I’m assuming will be taxpayer money to purchase this thing, and the money goes directly into this asshole’s pocket.
$24 million is incredibly overpriced for that apartment even by New York’s ludicrous real estate standards. Trump Tower is known for its incredibly cheap materials as it’s meant for owners to tear out and customize. It’s also an ugly 80's building, not something super modern or prewar, which are the other factors that…