Oh Donnaaaaaaa! Donna Strunk!!!

God that is so horrific. I’m sure in theory he knows it’s not his fault but uhhh, yeah I wouldn’t have an appetite anymore either. I’m not sure what was more cruel, the actual murder or knowingly feeding the body to people. First instinct says of course it’s the murder but then again, this poor man might never be able

Kicking it off with Meghan Trainor is an inspired choice.

He’s now 8yrs past the surgery and his behavior hasn’t improved so can we really blame it on the tumor? Stuff like that can surely cause weird behavior but he’s got a long history of being a shitty person both pre and post surgery. 

Okay but he also violently assaulted a woman in college, ten years prior to the surgery, so I’m not sure we should go without mentioning that too. I get what you’re saying because brain surgery can cause some weird behavioral shit but this dude has been a terrible person from way back.

It’s my new favorite thing. However I’m gonna need the media to stop saying he grabbed her butt because that was a goddamned pussy grab. A butt is butt cheeks, his hand was absolutely in between her legs. Still, very happy to see that he was arrested and she didn’t get fired for standing up for herself. 

She used to get paid to do speaking engagements as an abstinence only advocate but that went out the window with Unplanned Baby #2.

This exactly. I don’t fault these folks for accepting the help and quite frankly, being able to do that for your kids is a parents’ dream. But it’s also a fairly new concept, one that goes hand in hand with a shift to higher education being all but required to earn a livable wage. (Unless you pursue a trade, which is

If you know more than one millionaire I think it is you that is traveling in rarified circles. 

Absolutely. If you’re not getting a hook up it may not matter how much money and available time you have. I don’t think I’ve ever known a highly successful person who hasn’t benefitted from nepotism at some point, even if it’s just as simple as getting an email address others aren’t privy to. 

Exactly. I once had to turn down what was (at the time) a dream job because I couldn’t possibly survive on the low pay in NYC. It just wasn’t doable at all. The worst part is there were opportunities to move up pretty much immediately after the first year at this job but I couldn’t even make one year at such a low

If your family has money you’re going to advance farther and faster than those who don’t enjoy that privilege even though the argument could be made that someone from money doesn’t need that crucial leg up to begin with. We are living in a society where having money is rewarded with opportunity and more money while

Then why are they bootcut?? ;)

I’ll be over here drinking Blue Hawaiians every summer until I die, with zero regrets. 


Hey now!

A single blank page!!! That is a thing of beauty.

I cannot believe I totally forgot about Angelina’s Serious Brows™️ in the Billy Bob years, good god they look painted on. 

God no, never, though I can totally see now how it read that way and that’s on my dumb ass for popping off without explanation. I don’t buy the rumor that he’s gay either, all his behavior reads like a typical angry, emotionally-stunted straight guy. (Probably dumb too? At least too stupid to bother memorizing a

Admittedly I was slightly older than the target demo for this film and book series but I could never get past that exact issue. Pants don’t work like that and I found that concept too distracting. Are they supposed to be straight up magic? I consider it magical if I can find pants that fit me well, forget about three

If he were closeted and bearding wouldn’t it be possible it’s made him feel resentful from living a lie? I really didn’t mean it to come off badly and feel bad it came across like that to you. It just makes sense to me, because I’d be resentful too if forced to live a lie, wouldn’t anyone? Apologies for the offense, I’