What part came across as homophobic to you?
What part came across as homophobic to you?
They sure do, what’s your point? Not all men? Sure, not all men. This one in particular, gay or straight, has disdain for women. If he’s closeted and angry or straight and angry doesn’t matter to me, he’s a complete asshole.
This type of bullshit allows them to have distracting talking points that always manage to pull focus like some sort of shiny object. And for what? Is this show going to be some heavy hitting shit that’s going to make any difference at all? This is really going to get the kids out of cages? What are we gaining here?…
Agreed. It’s not hard to make Sarah Palin look like a fool, she does it all the time and it’s pretty much the only thing she does well. A lot of this just garners sympathy for people who don’t deserve it because the evil libs are at it again, cheating and conning and fake newsing. It might be temporary fun but it’s…
That’s very sad for him if he doesn’t feel like he can come out or needs to beard. Doesn’t excuse his shitty misogyny though, if anything he should be kinder about women if several have helped him keep his secret. Either way get some therapy, Henry!
Oh is he closeted? Is that why he has such disdain for women?
Henry Cavill’s last (public) girlfriend was 19yrs old so just keep that in mind while you listen to him complain about the pitfalls of dating in the “me too era”. Sorry you have to check IDs now, Superman.
You know who does that? Very young ladies who don’t understand their worth and have messed up ideas about how to get a man’s attention. Just don’t date teenagers and you should be fine. Henry Cavill’s last girlfriend was 19 btw.
And here I am not getting (officially, legally) married so I can hold on to my healthcare. It’s gonna be the hot new trend!
Manafort’s legal team: “it’s soooo unfair, our client is locked up too far away and we can’t properly prepare under these totally unfair conditions so we should just delay these trials.”
Take heart that while it’s a very sad event, Zsa Zsa lived to the full life expectancy of an English bulldog which is pretty amazing despite what was probably a laundry list of ailments. She also apparently passed in her sleep which is an additional reason to be relieved for her and her fam, they were spared the…
Oh but there’s so much more:
I will never stop being creeped out by merchandise inspired by this book/show.
Same. This man should be dragged into the light and shamed forever. After he is relieved of his duties and stripped of any kind of pay or pension.
Agreed. She’s just immersed and it’s also very likely she’s been coached to speak in the “proper” English way since she’s making lots of public appearances. And I mean, even without an accent it’s hard to pronounce “lavatory” without an inflection that sounds British.
I am definitely one of those people who starts mimicking the accent of wherever I am so MM having a slight accent already wouldn’t surprise me, but this really just sounds like she’s had royal elocution lessons which is even less surprising.
Omfg I just read through some of them, I had no idea he was this bad. Apparently as a non twitter user I’m missing a lot of these d-listers showing their ass. What a piece of shit.
Are we talking about the same Michael Rapaport whose wide range of irreplaceable talent consists of several variations of Some Guy From New York? I’m not terribly surprised he’s defending the laziness and lack of imagination involved in casting since his career absolutely depends on it.
As someone who unconsciously starts absorbing the regional accent of wherever I am for longer than a week, I appreciate that there are folks who understand. I’m always so worried people think I’m making fun of them or something but I can’t help it, it just starts happening and I don’t even really notice.
Hear, hear!