Oh Donnaaaaaaa! Donna Strunk!!!

This. And the kicker that she never spoke or looked at her again. I’m even going to go out on a limb and guess the server in question was also an actress. 

I was really hoping for Amy Adams as grown up Beverly, but I guess they can’t do that casting in two separate movies. Jessica Chastain is a great actor and I’m sure she’ll be fantastic. Bill Hader is a perfect choice, and I’m psyched to see Isaiah Mustafa getting a high profile gig. 

As I’ve heard it, he’s tried to get his money back several times and is now (as of last week I think?) going to sue. Apparently Daniels had promised to pay the loan back time and time again and then would disappear for long stretches. They were on good terms for a long time and, while I personally wouldn’t let

First off, Dame Dash is a man. Second, he’s stated he was trying not to have to sue to get his money back. I don’t know why you’d assume there’s no documentation. I’ve had signed, ironclad contracts with folks who still refused to pay until it was ordered by a judge. Some people are just shitty grifters and it’s not

Same, except I was in a shithole on the upper west side. Scars on my legs that I lie about to this day because the shame is still so real. I don’t think the paranoia will ever go away. The culprit in my building seemed to be a tenant upstairs who couldn’t resist the lure of free street furniture, so thrifting is

Oh no, they know. They just don’t care. 

Oh and don’t forget the narrative that all the folks crossing the border are really criminals and gang members who are using children to get across. When it’s not that one, it’s that the people crossing are terrible, criminally neglectful parents for bringing their children along at all. It’s all very much in line

So bear with me, because I’m feeling like the wolf stuff is important. The wolf sightings along with June in her bright red handmaid’s uniform reminded me of Little Red Riding Hood. The fact that we(and June) see the wolf three times also fits with that, fairy tales and fables heavily use the rule of three. Wolves as

Seriously, how are they still not getting this? 

Agreed on all counts. This is the look of a woman who recently created a phone tree and is very proud of it. 

Umm, so that thought popped into my mind too because suddenly it really seems like the writing was on the wall when McConnell cancelled the August break. You might be right that Kennedy didn’t want to be (more of) a political pawn, but much like his tenure as Judge, he could go either way. You’re right that the

I’m starting to wonder if they had already mapped out or started writing this season when they got the order for the extra episodes. Probably not, but it does feel like almost every episode in the back half had someone going in to pad or extend the plot, often unnecessarily and to very mixed results.

This is true, I completely forgot about Bitch McConnell cancelling the recess. And you’re right that the republicans would run on that point, although the Dems could do the same and I believe it might have helped motivate even more liberal minded(or at least not fully insane/indoctrinated) voters. But of course,

Such a fun, clever, joyful show. And one of the only shows that can really take me back to a very specific, lovely, undisturbed part of childhood. Still miss it!

No real way of knowing for sure but the timing is extremely suspicious. Seems like he wants to help the republicans to vote a conservative judge in before the midterms so if a blue wave hits in Nov, his seat is already filled. If he waited, there would be a possibility the Dems could have enough votes to block. As far

Then you should know better. And no, not everyone who works at places like Dunkin’ Donuts is undocumented, but in my area that is the majority. Teenagers also typically don’t know their rights as workers. Many folks who work in service don’t know their rights and their managers use that to their advantage. And

For some people that’s not the case. 

In theory but do you really think the immigrant employees know they have the right to do that? What if their status depends on employment? I’m just saying  it’s easy to say that when you’ve never been in that particular position. 

Unfortunately I’m pretty sure the hourly wage at Dunkin Donuts doesn’t allow for quitting on principle.

It almost feels like that because that is exactly what’s happening.