You’re still right, plenty of Walmarts in AZ and this is a law that allows any AZ pharmacist to do the same shitty thing this guy did. Safe to assume this could/would happen at Walmart, and now that I think of it, I’m actually surprised this didn’t happen at Walmart.
There’s online pharmacies that can process pretty much any Rx, maybe check with your dr’s office to see if yours could be done that way. It’s nice to have meds delivered right to your door too!
So all her conspiracy tweets about child sex trafficking but her guy here actually helped an accused child molester set up a charity for children? Way to go, Roseanne.
She sure did and is still going. I’d like someone to ask her why it’s more important to be a moron on twitter than make massive amounts of money.
This is true, they are the goddamned worst.
Backyard breeding is bad, guys. Especially with certain breeds like English bulldogs. Carefully, professionally bred bulldogs can still have massive health problems such as respiratory issues, skin issues, cherry eye, arthritis and joint issues, hip dysphasia, heart disease and they have the highest cancer rate of any…
Yeah I know. It’s happened to me with my own family and friends. But I’m specifically talking about when a tox report or some other info comes out and gives people “permission” to disregard depression. I know lots of people who are very supportive of those suffering with mental illness—as long as they’re clean. Or…
You’re a real one, I appreciate the hell out of you. It’s not easy for those who struggle privately to hear all the *ahem* feedback from our fellow humans about issues such as this. Some days I feel resentful of having to reveal my own struggles to people who just aren’t getting it, but my hope is that it makes them…
I love this comment so much I want to marry it.
Exactly right. Self medicating and addiction often stems from depression or other kinds of mental illness but the minute people hear “relapse” they start distancing themselves from the ugly root of it all. When the media got wind of Kate Spade’s divorce I thought oh here come the excuses that are everything but…
I can only speak for myself here, but I was relieved because it means people can’t ignore or excuse his death as a relapse. His death was shocking to a lot of people but not those who have had severe struggles with depression. I hate when there’s a “reason” uncovered that allows people to retreat back into denial…
Every nook, cranny, and overhead bin is stuffed with scarves. Like the snake-in-a-can gag only with scarves. Poor Joe Perry. It’s just one modest suitcase with a shave kit and a change of leather pants!
Poor Joe Perry. No matter what band he’s touring with he has to put his carry on in his lap thanks to all the extra scarf luggage.
I think they won’t ever torture her onscreen due to her age, at least I hope! Although I wonder if Nick is dead (or soon to be) what Gilead or the Waterfords will do with her. Marry her off elsewhere maybe? I mean, Nick didn’t love her and was clearly uncomfortable with the whole arrangement but she was making out…
I read the rolling stone piece and boy oh boy are you dead on.
Call me when Johnny Depp is selling his scarves, then I’ll believe he’s broke.
While this kind of cruel set up is entirely within Commander Waterford’s wheelhouse, I think such a plan would have included a very specific order to collect his pregnant Handmaid and bring her home unharmed. He might be pissed the baby isn’t his, but he’s got many good reasons to keep up appearances. He’s very high…
Eat shit, Jimmy. You’re a feckless cunt and a true company man. Enjoy your millions for being mediocre in every way, I’m sure you sleep just fine.
I think that was always the plan from day one. We have trusted relationships breaking apart both at home and in the world, isolating us further. It makes it harder to fight the big things when we’re fighting amongst ourselves. Potential damage or loss of relationships with friends, family and coworkers/bosses just…