Oh Donnaaaaaaa! Donna Strunk!!!

I don’t think there’s any coming back from this. Even if our country stops this and by some miracle isn’t completely destroyed by this administration, this rhetoric (and all the other batshit rhetoric) is doing damage that can’t be fixed. Our personal relationships won’t be fixed either.

Every trump supporter I see is saying this is the parents’ fault for bringing children when they know they can’t get in and they’re even pushing a narrative that claims people are bringing children that aren’t theirs to get across. They also claim the media are using the children to garner sympathy for criminals.

Yeah, it would just be kind of a lame reason to lose a job is all.

Serious question: has any SNL cast member stayed with the show after becoming tabloid fodder? It kind of seems like Lorne isn’t about that and Pete wasn’t getting a lot of airtime last season as it was.

Sunk cost fallacy, at least for me. Now I’m basically hanging in to see Rick die, although they’ll probably ruin it by stretching it out over 3 episodes.

I would too. I caught some of the farm season during a walking dead marathon and maybe it’s because I haven’t seen it since it aired but it seemed downright inspired compared to what’s been happening since season 6.

Robinson struck down the stringent law, and ordered Kobach to take six additional hours of continuing legal education that “pertain to federal or Kansas civil rules of procedure or evidence.”

Admittedly I haven’t been following this thing closely but I kind of get the feeling that’s what she’s been saying to him too. Like, he’s the only one not getting it. The only reason I even know about their issues is all the very public declarations he’s making and each one sounds more out of touch than the last. I

I mean, there’s definitely a possibility. Quite a few serial killers have had head injuries in their past, Richard Ramirez the Night Stalker comes immediately to mind but I know there are more.

Maybe on Monday, I don’t think they have a writer covering on weekends.

When I have those dreams about being chased, this is always what’s right behind me.  

Maybe watch the old episodes again? I dunno what to tell you, she was considered a nerd by her family until she ran away to marry Mark.

I love this comment, it’s the only take we need.

Kirsten never looks that pink to me but she’s also a natural blonde. I find that brunettes aren’t always aware of how pink their skin is until they see it next to some flat, bottled blonde like that unfortunate hair on Anne Hathaway. With a better shade and a lot of highlights and lowlights I’m sure AH could pull it

I think(or maybe I’m just speaking for myself here) the surprise is that there are still people in this country who look at this picture and see an intelligent man doing a great job.

I was just going to comment that I know that look because it’s the same one my husband and I have when we’ve had an argument in the car.

My goddamned phone does it for me without my permission and I cannot tell you how infuriating it is. And thanks to autocorrect doing it, people now think that’s the correct usage. AND if I change it while I’m typing the phone will change it back. It’s just one more thing that makes me feel like we’re living in an

Chevy Chase was a dick to him (and everyone else) but Bill Murray is also kind of a dick.

Our hands are pretty tied for the next few months. But! We have top men working on it right now.

It’s cautionary tale hair. Those of us with pink complexions should tape it to the mirror for those random days when we think “why not blonde?”