Oh Donnaaaaaaa! Donna Strunk!!!

Saaaaame. My in-laws are terrible in general and super shitty to “outsiders”, even those of us who have been married into the family for years. This movie was a nightmare.

The way I’d describe her in this movie is as if Carrie Bradshaw had been a business lady instead of a sex columnist. Still neurotic, three times as bitchy and somehow, despite those descriptors, manages to be dull. She needed to turn it way up or way down for this role and instead she did neither.

Not even SJP’s awkward bar dancing? You’re so lucky.


I’m so sorry for such incredible losses that are now raw for you all over again. It’s so hard. Wishing you peace.

It’s completely possible it actually is a 7th grader tweeting for him, depending on if Barron wanted a summer job.

I officially volunteer to Carl myself outta here, I’ve had it.

Okay perhaps I’m not following why you brought up basketball as a way to explain some below the belt area touching when the context of what happened to Fraser is completely different.

This isn’t a great analogy because he wasn’t playing a physical sport, he was at a work function where there was absolutely no reason he should be touched other than a handshake.

Sneaks up on ya, doesn’t it?

And for what it’s worth, nobody exactly looks unpolished in the Clooney lead Ocean’s franchise either. I think at one point someone gets sweaty? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Not to diminish what happened to Jake at all, but that example doesn’t mean there isn’t a gender issue at play. Besides the shit that happens within the fandom, women are harassed more often online than men regardless of fame or notability. And, yes, men tend to be the ones doing the harassing. When this stuff gets

How is it not a social justice issue when women are harassed on the internet and life for just showing up and doing their jobs or simply existing? See also: gamer gate.

Is this where we can talk about our previous life of Aunt Lydia theories? I think about that bitch way too much! I’m thinking she was a school administrator. The way she talks to the “girls” has a very school marm vibe and maaaaaan, does she love rules. She also has that familiar mean streak of someone who never had

You, me and all of us who clicked.

That’s absolutely my theory too. The only power she has is to threaten to stick him with a scandal he won’t be able to lie his way out of. There’s never been a president who got divorced while in office so I have no idea how that would work, but I assume it would be a narrative he wouldn’t be able to control and

I’ve got bad news, these reunions are usually organized by someone in the graduating class and, despite what pop culture would have us believe, are never held at the school. Whichever perky overachiever from your class who runs it won’t need the physical building to try and trap you into an awkward evening with people

I forgot about Trey! (Which is probably exactly his intent) Hope he’s doing well and I tip my cap to his elusiveness.

They’re just turkeys in a better outfit. Get fucked, giant hell birds!

Agreed. It’s reminding me of the ever present alien encounter/conspiracy plot themes of the 80s and 90s, it’s been done to death and it’s time to move on.