Oh Donnaaaaaaa! Donna Strunk!!!

Westworld didn’t do it for me either (neither did Humans). I came to the same realization as you did, this is just zombies with a twist. Saying that Humans is a more interesting version of Westworld is like the TWD vs Z Nation argument; it might be true but I’m bored regardless.

Yeah I’m betting she’s been reassigned. They specifically don’t say she’s been let go, only that she’s not working in the Executive Office. It’s the same bullshit double speak as always. If they really cared what she said she would have been gone after she said it, not weeks later.

I wonder if that’s because their casts have been pretty diverse since the beginning and the fans didn’t have any problem with it since they were never handed a lily white universe to claim ownership of in the first place.

My mom casually mentioned “hey, an invitation came for your 20th high school reunion” during a phone call and I instinctively said “oh, that’s not for me”. Then there was this horribly awkward pause while she waited for me to do the math and die inside.

Joe Perry too, he’s been sober a long time. In fact I wonder if being sober is a requirement to be on the road with these guys.

This mattress story is suspect. What the fuck does Scott Pruitt want with a used(!) mattress(!!) from a trump hotel(!!!) I shudder to think what kinds of shenanigans are being covered up while we all watch trump take a daily shit in the Oval Office. I think if you listen closely, you can hear the low hum of paper

Heidi wasn’t terribly convincing playing herself in her satc cameo so acting work probably isn’t a good move for her. But she also seems like a delightful, funny gal who was probably kidding about all this anyway.

Back when I first saw it I too felt it was a bit much, the violence overshadowed the more subtle (and interesting) commentary on mean girls and the cliques of high school. But it seems untenable now that kids are literally being murdered in school, I don’t know how anyone thought this would work. It’s not like

I did, but I also quit drinking so maybe that had more to do with it. Definitely had to fight through a lot of initial sugar cravings though.

Same. I run a small business and for a while it was necessary to have a fb Page for it. As of a few years ago people were treating fb as an informal white pages, people would often find me there before even looking for my website. For the last year or two (basically during the run up to and immediately after the

Sweet Jesus. Can you imagine not only admitting that but doing so in print? Also: dating Candace Bushnell’s ex is pretty much stalker territory and totally creepy.

Agree with everything you wrote here and looking back at season 7 there is a very steep decline after the first couple of episodes and I realized I usually stop watching after about halfway through season 6 which is earlier than I thought. You’re dead on about the change in her character at that point, it really takes

Totally. The Jackie of the first few seasons was flaky and maybe a little bit lost but she wasn’t a moron. Before the cancellation it was looking like the show would have nearly as many crappy seasons as good ones and I’m back to wishing the whole thing ended in season 6 or 7. And even season 7 has real low points,

Wow he lost a lot of weight in a pretty short period of time. Maybe he stopped doing coke? (Not all cokeheads are thin, most long term users get pretty bloated/heavy)

I mean, that’s a great example of why nobody should be clamoring to save this show: over the years they have gone out of their way to completely change characters in order to shoehorn crappy plot points in. Becky was a straight A student who wanted to become a doctor even after she married Mark, to make her an idiot

I’m not sure which party of crazies hatched this plan but either way, it was devised over a giant pile of cocaine.

Or any day of their lives since then.

Yes everyone is entitled to their opinion BUT FACTS ARE NOT OPINIONS.

Ahh so new roles as well. I’m torn because I love the Aunt Jackie character of previous years but then they turned her into a complete moron so I guess she’s basically a different character anyway. If you can find a way to throw in Leon, I’m sold!

Once again, free speech only protects us from prosecution by the government. It doesn’t prevent us from being fired for saying shit that our boss doesn’t like or that violates the terms of our employment. Roseanne is free to say whatever she wants, ABC is free to cancel her show as a result of what she says. She won’t