Oh Donnaaaaaaa! Donna Strunk!!!

Let her know that Last Man Standing is coming back from cancellation thanks to Roseanne’s debut ratings and Tim Allen’s constant whining about the unfairness of the free market that all conservatives deeply believe in until it doesn’t work for them in some way.

Sorry, I can’t not quibble: Laurie Metcalf’s character Jackie is Darlene’s aunt not David’s mother.

ABC is owned by Disney and I seriously doubt Disney is willing to take that heat just to have her show around. The ratings were steadily in freefall so they’re not just going to look at the most recent numbers but also weigh the predictions. I’m sure ABC is deeply regretting not putting a social media gag clause in

I think some people just jump into action without thinking too much whether it be to rescue a pet or person. And floods like this one change so fast, one second it could be at your ankles and you’re trying to help someone out of a car and then a few seconds later it’s nearly up to your waist and the car is moving and

Thank you!

Yeah by law it’s technically in the same category as unwanted touching (at least in my state) but yeah I think it can vary a lot depending on the situation. If you have blood in your mouth and spit in someone’s face that’s going to be taken a lot more seriously than like, spitting in someone’s general direction or at

I think you can be charged with simple assault for intentional spitting on/at someone (it’s considered like unwanted touching) but an aggravated assault charge (like if you beat the shit out of someone) is a stretch and probably only being used here because she spit at a cop.

I hope they dedicate some time in the next episodes to an Ofglen2 backstory, it seems like a good way to show how Mayday recruits and has been operating. They could tie in Nick’s association as well, we saw some of his backstory but we still don’t know how he’s connected to Mayday. I’m betting there’s a connection

I wonder too. If she weren’t “expecting” they might just marry her off but are there single Commanders out there that would willingly raise another Commander’s baby? Their main concern is technically to have as many babies born as possible but they’re also very specific about who can have(aka steal) those children. It

In the Republic of Gilead and nowhere else. It’s fucking gross and beyond that, quite insulting as I don’t even think breeding farm animals are referred to that way.

In what fucking universe is it complimentary to tell a woman she looks “ripe”? That is some rapey shit, sir.

If the arms on the dress were tighter they would rip if she tried to lift them. It’s a heavy satin material, it is extremely unforgiving and has zero stretch.

I mean, you’re both wrong. No death for this guy, the true path to his suffering is stripping away all his cash and power and turning him into a fucking nobody. No assaults, rapes, suicide or murder, he doesn’t get to be a victim. He gets to be an imprisoned man known only by a number, who never gets a visitor, who

This exactly. And personally I don’t get angry if a man says “I can’t imagine being spoken to/treated like that” because most of them can’t. Being shocked or grossed out at the stuff we have to hear and experience is the first part of recognition. I get angry when they refuse to believe it just because it’s not an

Exactly. An excellent example of the “I got mine/I’m deserving but not that other guy” mentality that’s prevalent. Also, I’ve flooded out and been forced to deal with FEMA and I assure you, when you have massive water damage there isn’t anything left over. I had flood insurance but my whole area was so badly hit we

Leftover. FEMA. Money.

Would watch.

Oh I’m familiar, as a pre teen I was obsessed with “An American Family” and wanted to move into the Chelsea so I could be Lance’s bff.

I just wiki’d the show and had completely forgotten how many useless children there were. Those families really were doomed from the start.

Omg I remember that too. He really was insufferable, and he and the wife of the aforementioned troubled couple always had this intensely competitive thing going on. Like they really leaned into theme to compete exclusively with one another. I think the only people I liked by the end were the young couple and the