
I hate to go all Kanye on y’all, but,

The problem with imitators like Zac Snyder is they set out to make 'dark' movies. The genius of Nolan is that he made just movies. The content done so well, made it dark. It's a big difference and it's bastard offspring shouldn't bring shame to it. They're separate, inferior shameful.

Its a damn masterpiece alright, and I don’t even think it’s the best of the trilogy. Though Christopher Nolan proved with TDK he could remake Heat and do it in 10 minutes flat if he so wished.

When he talked about Famous ole Miss alum Brett Favre messaging him, Did anyone else think the same as me? At one point he paused after saying “He sent me a, uh...” And im thinking ‘please say dick pic, PLEASE SAY DICK PIC!”

How thick are those A pillars tho? 

TThe way the cars design resolves on the front quarter under the lights is awful. What a horror.

Musk is a nutcase. But I’m impressed with his tech-pushing antics... Subway, hyperloop.

I read the title of this article and all I could hear is Dave Anthony’s voice, it’s absolutely word for word a Dollop. If you replace 'Iran’ with ‘1920s America’.

Living close the British Midlands, and spending time with one or two of the female population, now that I read this it’s clear that I've been misusing the phrase, ‘Coventry Climax’...

Thousands of years ago, Egyptians built the pyramids.

U got this.

Keep going buddy. 

Or the first P, technically...

Don't see an issue. She's a moral compass. They don't want a moral compass for this film. 

Well you said it yourself. Wow you could have saved everyone so much work. When you type stuff, maybe hitting “publish” is sometimes one step too far.. . Look, I was very harsh and critical and I’m sorry. You were incorrect and I dropped a payload of napalm and it was unsporting. I'll try to be a better person. 

Quote: “It’s the sort of minivan you would dream up, if you absolutely had to create a van and you had an unlimited supply of both imagination and/or drugs.”

I find when people have one more beer than they should they always assault a woman, right? It’s completely plausible.

Left-field choice for car comparison but I love it. Driving on the other side of the road, my brother had one of these, a Ford Granada Scorpio. That colour too. It’s the first car I'd sat in where the journey averaged +100mph (over 35 miles). And in absolute comfort too.

There isn’t really a convertible SUV on the market other than the Wrangler” said imports only..

Now how come something so blindingly obvious hasn’t been said before. Yeah, you’re gonna get racist white assholes, but hopefully that shit will get kicked to the kerb.