It’s a mars rover made available to the public. I think it’s beautiful.
It’s a mars rover made available to the public. I think it’s beautiful.
I’m pretty sure those guys knew what they had done with that one.
I’m not sure if you are being serious about not knowing what “white Mercedes” is, or not. I suspect or not.. But I’m pretty sure she is talking about the white ecstasy pills with the Mercedes star pattern pressed into them. As it relates to the video, yeah you’re right. A video with cars in it titled white Mercedes…
So when KD uses burners to pump up his image, it’s lame. And when he doesn’t blame anyone else for a career setback, it’s also lame.
No telling how far away the friends were, but that looks like a pretty residential neighborhood to be driving around in if you’re not already darn close to your destination.
Joule thief!
+1 Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
I legitimately laughed out loud when I saw that.
Whatever you’re paying that graphics guy, it’s not enough.
Hey!! If I was a power player, I’d totally rock one of these.
This is a great review, Katie. I’m even more psyched to see this than I was previously.
They know their customers are so weak of character and materialistic enough that they’ll do whatever is asked of them just to get the badge.
Feels like high-end hotels charging for wifi when every crappy value hotel includes it free.
“This is a matter of principals.” I didn’t know education was involved.
And worst of all, they would have to wait fifty years before the Corvette C8 was released.
Thank you for showing some love for engineers David. As a former engineer (now nurse), I always felt we never got enough credit for the work we do, in any industry. It’s always the execs, the managers, the marketers, and the finance folk, but never the engineers.