
Oof. THAT is cool.

If you’re talking about the jag pirana, what about the Aston Martin Ogle.

This one is easy (it’s a bit left-field so bear with me) :

Lebron just saw your post. Then be like, “whachoosay???...” and then puts on best elimination game ever.

It’s part of the plan Giri. They’ll happily concede game 6 and rest Paul, then they’ll happily roll the dice at home with a fully refreshed CP in G7.

Ya know what? I just sussed this muppet out.

Yep, her kids are gonna be pissed. Imagine the Scooby Doo episode...

Gangsta. Fo’ Shizzle.

Finally, somebody made a teenagers-dying film that’s cool. But you put it better NattyClipArt and I will also be seeing this, and showing it my kids, and they’ll finally think I’ve NOT “got a heart of stone, Dad!” just because I laughed during the Anne Frank House scene in Fault in our Stars, and everything will be

Ah... totally get it now. As my name suggests, Im from the UK, so the only acura’s we see are imported integras. We just have Honda, and expensive Honda.

Cant the FBI just fucking shoot Jack Warner and take his cash-card to the ATM and withdraw it all and give it to whoever should have his cash? I think he’s done enough, possibly more than anyone else in history, to say ‘you know what, fuck the courtroom, we’re just taking this one out’.

Last time I looked, the NSX was an Automobile. It’s not Honda Corporate, The NSX isnt a paperclip or a managed workspace or a Learjet is it. I know a guy who swapped his 308 (Ferrari, not Peugeot) for an NSX because he drove by (the albeit very fancy exclusive) Honda Car showroom. He didn’t drive by their Head Office.

BMW would-be murderer guy was sat at a stop light. why not text?

Anybody else think the 2012 Goodwood Alpine looks like a cross between Thunderbird 1 and Thunderbird 2? In a good way. Damn, wish they we’re still making that one instead of something probably a bit miserable.

Sit on it, cover it up, wait 15 years. Someone will get nostalgic. Bingo.

No NSX? Morons.

Yeah, but as great-looking as the F-22 may be, they aren’t flying them into beauty pageants, its about capability, right? and VTOL plus stealth plus weapons/speed/capability and (despite what naysayers are damn-near hoping for) no fatalities in testing, means it’s surely a better option. It’s costing a damned fortune

“Is Ray Rice Being Blackballed?”

now. That is amazing reporting. Better than any of the TMZ style juice that's destined to not be relevant a day later, whereas store is like this stand the test of time for genuine sports readers. And no I'm not 92, just a regular 42yo who enjoys great writing. Thanks .

I'm not joking, I was literally just about to order some Nikes online. No thanks.