
a little Italian restaurant in Leeds, England has been serving it w/ shrimp and crusty bread, no pasta , for years. Like a garlicky hot shrimp tomato soup. Like sex in your mouth, as my friend-who-is-a-girl says.

"and what's the story?" - Jameis Winston.

because anyone with character would go 'fuck this', thrown down and blow the gym doors off regardless of stupid rules. But these girls don't have character or a coach that teaches it. Worryingly I'm not making this next bit up...

what team in their right goddam mind is gonna want a guy who's fans are gonna walk around with 'i <B rapist' on their shirts... Surely he's is so Fucking toxic. Cannot believe teams will touch him and how , because he wasn't found guilty, that's seen as the same as not doing something in the 1st instance. He has the

that was worth the read again. Finally I can put my egg x-ray prototype machine away! Can you do a book? It'd be the best goddam Xmas present ever to my fuckwit friends.

14.45 in the 1st? Jeez you need cheap points so early? Grudgingly impressed though.

no, the video shows him acting nonplussed. Well done to write something that didn't even happen and video shows it. MB is an Ass, you don't need to make stuff up.

so basically I just wasted an hour reading Pablo Torre' s article you referenced.

This makes me want to throw my bike in the trash. I actually realised during this article that cyclists actually are selfish drunken self_absorbed Cunts with no respect for the people who share their space. I'll stick with my battered old Celica from now on.

Who kicked that fucker? Tiger Woods!?

"take a rest , D. I got this" (walks on to field alone)

didn't know Dan had a show. Thanks Colin. Now I have something to listen to instead of a dude who thinks we need to know how great he is. I like his opinions, but he can be a douche. Time to try DP. Not said that in a while.

oh so who can be the 1st columnist to pretend to be unfazed by greatness... What a pathetic column. I frikkin love Rodgers, but Brady's the very most clutch of his generation. So that's AR and Manning fucked off your list. Marino threw hard but had way better teams. Montana was the yardstick but had better catchers.

the balls might be ok because they like their balls on the high side. Jeez, who else doesn't get that?!

pretty sure belicheck was saying climate, not friction.

his list is on EsPn insider anyhow. Anyone who pays for draft tips deserves to be taken in, morons.

"make no mistake it is an n advantage?" Are you high right now? how big a deal was it exactly? Did you see the game? Especially the bit where, what was it now...? Oh yeah, the whole SECOND HALF when Brady had the correct balls and proceeded to triple the score. Nobody in the first half of our solar system could watch

don't think he meant slaves. Think that happened this year to Adrian Peterson's son.

This is why the NBA needs an FA Cup style knockout tourney. The godawful eastern teams spicing the season up with a giantslaying here and there. you're probably thinking they don't deserve it, but it's not about that. Its be great. Push for it harder, Silver!

quote: While Packers-Seahawks provided tons of drama, the other game did not