Dashiell Hammlet

In Poland floods survive you!

“And despite surviving a flood...”

Always and forever the champ:

So what you’re saying is that you’re in the third stage.

You are the problem. Be fucking afraid this is a very close election.

Kessler’s from Bakersfield. Cleveland is a huge step up for him.

If dummies want to give their money away...

They really can’t because it would set a terrible precedent.
Also I have a little sympathy because it was a goddamn hook and ladder hail mary. Stop it and you don’t get beat.

Officiating doesn’t help revenue, thus seen as a negative? Guessing the same logic can be applied to drug testing, sideline physicians and NFL security.

The fact that she thought a domestic violence charge would end a career in the NFL is hilarious....

Lost in all the wobbly shit throws and general skiddishness in the pocket was a few decent passes and reads. I think Goff will be fine and will be good but it does seem like he’s having some confidence and consistency issues.

I don’t know if I could keep a straight face in that situation.

Of course it’s always been there (well, since 1964) - Hillary’s just trolling moderate Rs to try to get them to stay home in disgust at the current volume of the dogwhistles. If that takes a bit of flattering, eh, whatever.

I am so sorry, Mr. Hammlet.

I find villains who just want to see the world burn boring. Ledger’s Joker may have been a good tool to explore Batman’s character, but I didn’t think that Joker was an interesting character.

“I won an Emmy for playing a woman dying of leukemia on L.A. Law, starring Harry Hamlin and Susan Dey.”

It’s almost like rape isn’t about sex, but power or control ...

An old, goateed Tim Curry?

Excuse me, but this is my Deadspin.