SnapUndersteer, Italian Spiderman

Damn, that’s just mean

well, no, usually you can replace a motor. And power seats breaking is a relatively rare occurrence. It’s much rarer than window motors for example

I hope nobody got sick. I know at least in my household we’re OK since we get our ground beef pretty much exclusively from a local farmer who butchers his own stuff (well, he contracts to a local slaughterhouse that just happens to be down the street per law)

Pastor Leon McCray was at his home on June 1 when he saw two people trying to dump a refrigerator on his property”

Pastor Leon McCray was at his home on June 1 when he saw two people trying to dump a refrigerator on his property”

I’m black, and I honestly didn’t think much of that interaction between the white hand and the black “puppet”. I’m not even sure I would have noticed the name of the restaurant honestly.

It’s a slow process.

This is the correct take

“The critical point is that we failed to spot the racist elements of this video.”

For all the bad being dredged up at BA, I can’t help but think they were just lost and trying to find their way with BIPOC. Yeah, the easy thing is to complain about their lack of diversity, but at least they were trying to become more inclusive albeit at what appears to have been a slow pace.

(Rapoport keeps a framed copy of this photo in his desk, according to Walker-Hartshorn.)“

I think the real Galaxy Brain thing is if they had kept CVPIs, there would have been more room in the City budget to funnel towards infrastructure upkeep versus buying new Exploders (sic)

2 months ago?

I just wanna say that I love the name Bogdan

Only these last few weeks?

Remember, Erik isn’t the most mechanically inclined in the pantheon of Jalopnik editors

But I'm a grey 😟😟😟

No, the Vaders are shit. The foam is too hard and the centerline has a bit too much lumbar support. The E36 Sport seats (from the 325i and 328i Sports as well as the E36 M3 sedans/convertibles and Coupes with the “Luxury” package and the ‘95 M3 Lightweight) are much much better. They’re more comfortable, support


I saw the clip that’s going around. I didn’t see a bit where he shot at the cops or had a gun.