SnapUndersteer, Italian Spiderman

I like throwing walls at balls

There’s a very thin thread of truth to this. Maybe he heard FIAT/Ferrari are doing it and kind of assumed American auto OEMs also were?

honestly at that age, for a car with that many miles, a rebuilt title is less of a concern. I think it’s just barely NP, but depending if my bowels are full or no, I’d vote either way

I’m not bashing it all. Where’d you get that inference from?

Ghost flights would happen regardless for another big reason not listed here.

Just like the farmers who live off subsidies for their stuff, and the government price fixing to help them get good prices.

I guess the air travel lobby has just been more forceful/successful here in the USA

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Ghost flights would happen regardless for another big reason not listed here.

not quite exactly

yes, the 92-95 coupe was the EJ1 in the VIN, sedans were EH2

exactly, they’ve evolved, not stayed the same. The tire evolved from its roots in the 19th century but compounds keep getting better.

EG is the 1992-1995 generation.

you mean the 1963 basically?

until they didn’t last...

Key word is “can”. That’s heavily dependent on suspension geometry. If Mercedes are saying they cleared it with the FIA (which they did), then I have to assume their geometry can soak the toe change without changing camber or caster.

Agreed on all points there

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Key word is “can”. That’s heavily dependent on suspension geometry. If Mercedes are saying they cleared it with the FIA (which they did), then I have to assume their geometry can soak the toe change without changing camber or caster. That’s the beauty of the dual axis system. Here’s Jolyon Palmer talking about it

Steering and Suspension are 2 distinct systems. Even in the rules they have a separate suspension and a separate steering section.

The only wiggle room there is that the steering wheel is not a “powered device,” as power steering is banned in F1. The regulations on steering only get a few lines in the technical regulations, actually. Meanwhile, the section on suspension covers a page and a half.

Drivers have known for a long while all radio chatter is monitored by the FIA and the broadcast team (FOM, owned by Liberty Media now, but CVC back then).