SnapUndersteer, Italian Spiderman

*angrily hits star*

Take stock B20 block, install B18 or B16 head!

No, but the 1st gen CR-V covers the 1st gen RAV4 easily. I’ve driven both, and even the 1st gen rav4 in both shorty and normal sized versions


does everyone live in a house with a garage?

I don’t think so. I think the watchmakers think it’s genius. I do too, and I’m not even the target customer

You just need to have that embedded into your gloves like the Mercedes F1 drivers

you’re not even giving a sliver of benefit of the doubt from the seller saying “well maintained”. Much of that maintenance may have been done already alongside the done AC compressor, condenser, TB and Intake Manifold that the seller explicitly mentioned (though I’m not sure why a condenser, TB and intake manifold

Damn, those Porsches are shrinking ever so much

Our Queen and Savior

This is one Ollie I’m sad died, unlike the one from GoT who killed Aegon Targaryen.

A few bad apples spoil the bunch

so you’re saying we need a martyr to drive the Senate to do something?

I’m not sure if it’s any better that the Ouroboros is actually meant to represent the concept of permanence/infinite renewal or rebirth, not self-destruction as I think that’s what you’re trying to imply

Was this Hillside Honda in Queens?


I loved this.

Another question successfully employing the general “don’t be a dick to others” concept.

Hmm, this sounds cool. Maybe it will sell better? Who knows with fanbois mostly never putting their money for brand-new cars where their mouths are.

so that’s how you do it?