
Lol, so edgy. 😂😂😂

Who gives af? If this went down as written here, she's an abusive asshole who should be fired & permanently banned from ever working for an airline/port again. Telling him to get wrecked like she did? Good for her. Getting him thrown off the plane? Hello no, take that psycho's authority away immediately. 

You should go slap the fuck out of your terrible parents for denying you LipSmackers as a child, resulting in your becoming a joyless, bitter, curmudgeon hellbent on ruining other people's good time. 


The problem is you seem to be trapped in timewarp. Where you think people are generally as stupid & helpless as you, meaning they can’t function correctly, & are incapable of googling. Nothing is “obscure” anymore. 😂 No one is going to see cauliflower rice & go home to consult their dictionary. Lol. They’re gonna ask…

So you’re self conscious about stuffing your face faster than everyone else at the table, & the waitress taking your plate while everyone else is still eating; resulting in you feeling like a gross, fat, beast compared to everyone else. . . which you are self conscious about. Lol. #cool

See how fucking stupid you are? “If you call a cauliflower product a word that can either refer to another product OR a method of preparation, it hurts my little brain & IS EXACTLY THE SAME as mislabeling lemon curd as orange marmalade.” Riced cauliflower is cauliflower rice, oranges is not lemons. English isn’t even…

I mean, it’s bizarre you seem to want to be told how stupid you are. But whatever floats your boat. (I'll just wait for your response about how you don't have a boat, just a bowl of rice & cauliflower, instead of cauliflower rice.) 

It’s like you somehow believe repeating that you are a moron who cannot process simple information, is going to result in others thinking that you aren’t a moron who cannot process simple information. If you can’t figure out what cauliflower rice is, you’re a fucking idiot. That’s it. Please go get a vasectomy/tubal…

No, I wouldn’t be upset about any of your dumbass examples because I’m not an illiterate idiot. Lol. Common sense, logic, & basic cognitive reasoning based on context would result in my knowing exactly what I’m ordering. Stop projecting. Just because you’re too stupid to know what foods are what, doesn’t mean everyone…

Probably. There’s memes on Twitter & Reddit for years now. Where there will be a photo of a big mac or whatever with a perfect bite taken out, wrapper & all, and some joke text about “eating the shell”. 

Did you come to Earth as refugee because you were kicked off of your planet, due to even your own literal-minded species finding you to be insufferable?

Why are you shouting? Lol, see you’re defensive about being a slow eater, & a lazy slob (who’s too precious to clear his plate when he’s done). Get off your insecure high horse, sweetie. I’m not sure what obsolete Miss Manners etiquette you’re screeching like a pterodactyl about, but your little life experience isn’t…

Lol. It’s talking to that meme of that alien, is it from Guardians of the Galaxy? Where it takes everything literally & explaining human language & common sense is just a useless endeavor.   

Lol. I didn’t read your essay. But like, sweetheart, I’m sorry your parents & every teacher you ever had completed failed to help you develop basic logic & reasoning skills, & you’re worried about others in the same boat (you’re not actually on a boat with them, sorry if I confused you). I get you want the world to…

If you order lemon chicken & are expecting chicken carved into a lemon shape, that would be just as stupid as expecting cauliflower rice to be actual rice with cauliflower, rather than cauliflower put through a ricer. I see someone, who is smarter than you, is trying to explain that comprehending the concept of…

He was busy working while his wife was scheming? 

I’m not even her follower, but you & everyone else need to stop being dramatic & petty. You sound bitter you’re not rich & spoiled. Which is just as bad of a look as being rich & spoiled. Lol. She was missing some commas, which is how items are required to be listed. So she needed: make-up, setting spray, lipstick,…

OJ seems really angry, as she should be. I wouldn’t be surprised if, true or not, she argued that her mother wanted her to just look generally more “active” & “athletic” & “well rounded” & other words other people use when trying to get into college. But didn’t didn’t disclose the rowing scam. Or lie that her mother…

She really should just throw them under the bus. “I told them I didn’t even want to go to that stupid school. No I didn’t fill out an application, why would I do that? My mother lied & told us the fitness photos were for an infomercial. She just told me I’d been accepted & was going, idek wtf she did, but they…