
That would require that these politicians figure out how to correct their school systems, so people in these states learn how to read again. Which would be much harder than this nonsense.

So the hillbillies can feed their children vegetables, if they are scared they'll be too stupid to comprehend the difference between rices.

As a Californian, I’m annoyed the federal tax money these welfare fentanyl states leech off of us (& other successful states) is being wasted in such a profoundly stupid way. Maybe invest your charity money in your schools? Then everyone in the state won’t be so illiterate & stupid, that there’s a risk they’ll think

No. I don't sit with heathens. Lol. If you finish your plate, get up & take it to the kitchen. #lazy You seriously sit there & wait for your friend who was nice enough to invite you over & provide you with food to then also clean your dirty dish? That's rude & nasty.

Meh, I basically live in Target & they announced ages ago that they were doing away with their brands & launching new ones. From clothes to everything else. Even my soap says Smartly instead of Up&Up. And they are remodeling their stores, that weren’t already remodeled. This is a perfect time to kick him to the curb &

Yes, it’s wrong. Demanding that the people with you need to stare at their dirty dishes & have them in their way until you finish because you’re insecure about being a slow eater is gross & selfish. Get some confidence & stop giving af about being a slower eater. Or eat faster.

This lawsuit & article are fucking stupid. Everyone already uses their fingerprints for their phone, the DMV, etc. I’d rather just scan my fingerprint than have to remember some long af employee number & passcode. Also, people are fucking liars who absolutely will clock each other in/out. Why y’all whining about

Honestly, this whole situation feels like these parents aren’t originally from CA, & they just going with what people they worked with in Hollywood (who went USC told them). “Oh no! I didn’t go to a public school! Nevermind location, USC is MUCH better than that state school UCLA, which may be 5 mins from Beverly

Idgi either. People who go to UCLA always throw the fact that their school is basically in Bel Air & USC is. . . not, when it comes to their little university rivalry. Why all these rich people collectively decided to fixate on the less bougie of the two is beyond me.

Seriously. It'd be like every company that uses the word Pacific trying to sue every other company that uses the word Pacific in it's name, across every industry in existence. These sweater people have lost they damn minds. 

My 1st thought when I saw the headline was that some people in Argentina were greatly offended by this beer existence, so. 😂

Literally, my first thought was that the region in Argentina is suing the beer company, & was like,Wtf? Can they do that because it’s misrepresentation & not actually from that area?” Lol. Soooo, I’m guessing this random clothes company is probably fucked, or at least they should be, if enough of the public doesn’t


Or instead of tipping, everyone could just vote for legislative representatives who will correct that whole people not getting paid enough to live issue. And whatnot.

Why don’t you direct this rage & energy at shitty business owners who refuse to just pay their employees? Instead of raging on behalf of a nonsense system that just needs to die already. 

Fuck off. Demand your employer pay you properly. If you work for a shitty business that can’t afford to pay it’s employees & it goes under (like they should) work for a functioning business instead. Like every other idustrialized country on Earth has this sorted out. It’s not that hard.

You’re an idiot. They trying to look tan w/o getting skin cancer or using chemicals that result in oompaloopma-itis. White people can get a tan, ffs. 

Middle aged people be freaks. What even is this? Why freakishly offer it back if you don’t mean it? Why is it a big deal to take it back? Especially since they drank one he bought? That’s contributing to the party. Why feel like you need to pay your friend for having you over with a “host” gift? What the fuck y’all

Jack in the box has it’s entire menu, breakfast/lunch/dinner/dessert, including fucking eggrolls & tacos, available 24/7, all day errey day. How is it this hard for McDonald’s to accomplish not even 1/4 of that efficiency? 

Jfc. Just institute a living wage in all states & let the shitty businesses that can't actually afford to pay their employees fucking die already. Fuck.