

USC is not famous on both coasts, Aunt Becky. 

It’s the University of Spoiled Children, and as an East Coaster who moved out here, it ain’t shit. It’s a scandal and privilege factory, and you leading with its football ranking says everything.

Bronx Academy of Sciences ain’t shit compared to General Lee And the Duke Boys High in Lubbock, TX, if you’re judging a

Yes, I had heard if it, but just thought it was some second rank state school. No idea it was private and hard to get into. No clue why, when there is Stanford, Cal Poly, UCLA, etc nearby, someone would fork over half a mil for USC. No reason for embarrassment.

USC is a private university and not part of the UC system.

My guess is that they wanted their kids to make social connections. When I lived in LA, USC was THE favored school among old money and political families—it was known as the University of Spoiled Children. I don’t know if that’s still the case.

Yeah, you may have wanted to keep that comment in your head because you come off sounding condescending as hell, and this just makes you look like a goon.

Don’t worry, I did not know of USC being so desirable until this scandal and I’m from the east coast as well. 

Pranking unemployed people smacks a lot of laughing AT people, not with them. Also, kicking downwards. Also: fascism.

I guess it depends on how much they compensate the “contestants”. I mean, if these are low wage jobs and they compensate the person 20k I think most would be happy with that. If these are like career types of jobs, compensation might not be worth it regardless of the number. 

That sounds mean spirited even for a typical prank show. 

There you go. Interfering with the new Jezebel narrative We-Hate-Other-Women-Clickbait formula.

Friendly reminder that the Kardashians have always been loud and very public advocates of Planned Parenthood. They even dedicated an entire episode of their show to PP and what they do, where workers from PP talked about their services. This wasn’t for the K’s themselves (obviously), but a very intentional effort to

I mean, the Kylie thing definitely made me do an Insta doubletake when I first saw it, but she also said it’s her friend’s favorite show in the whole world. They’re like, 20. I dunno, man. I can’t get too worked up about this one. 

Yes, it's me. 

Oh wow someone threw a themed birthday party for their best friend who loves the show, HOW HORRIBLE 

Comments section doing way more informative journalism than the article. Sorry, GMG.

Please follow this story as it develops...  I’d love to read how it resolves in the legal system!

“a temporary move out of the country to Jordan,”

They’re not publishing my book either, do I have a case? They’re not publishing a lot of people’s books, anyone else thinking class action?