It’s really bizarre how many bitter, elderly people on here are confused about how being a YouTuber/influencer/Instagram model/Kardashian/reality star works. You have fans/followers because they like YOU, for just being you. You have to maintain that relationship with your base so they continue to…
Nope. Reread. Don’t get what you mean. So you were accusing him of smoking weed car, based on nothing? Lol. Why? Just to fuck with your kid? Unless you’re completely joking and “gaslighting” to you is lke a reference to some joke from a Cheech & Chong movie or something, that I don’t get.
It would never occur me that a stadium would allow 3rd party vendors? That’s bizarre. I would have thought that they were hourly employees that just stock up on the stadium’s standardized snacks/drinks in the same kitchen/supply room as the concession stands. And then they go out & sell to the people who don’t want to…
Why did he molest the raw chicken in the beginning tho?
It’s really not that hard? Lol.
Same with Anthony Hopkins, he was in Silence of the Lambs for 16 minutes. And he won the Oscar for Best Actor. 😐
Yes. Same with restaurants bitching about having to pay minimum wage. If you have to nickel & dime your customers, or pay your employees a poverty wage they can’t live on, then you go out of business. Because you clearly suck at running a business. Why so many small business owners so entitled. “I have to be cheap &…
But it was only 3 containers. He allegedly left with just 2? He shouldn't be allowed to operate a motor vehicle if he's that dumb. If it was a bigger order, still his fault for not pulling up & checking. But to be too lazy or dumb to look in the bag & see 2 containers instead of 3? I would think he was a liar or maybe…
Why are you so sympathetic to someone who is too fucking stupid to count to 3. He ordered 3 containers of food, & drove off with 2. How the fuck does someone who isn’t an idiot not notice that? It sounds like a scammer, trying to get their order refunded or a free meal next time. Cause who is actually too stupid to…
It’s the name she goes by professionally. She’ll probably change it legally after this. Why would she want her asshole parent’s name after they forced her into this & fucked up her career?
She probably did a shitty job on the applications cause she didn't want to go.
Why don’t you Google influencer, then? Lol. I’ll never understand elderly people who deliberately make themselves sound like a low functioning, illiterate, helpless twit to prove some sort of point. You think you’re making yourself sound better than her & everyone who knows what an influencer is. But you don’t. You…
Get fucked & learn some empathy. She’s a kid. She told her idiot parents she didn’t want to go & not to do anything to get her in to college. They obviously told her to STFU & did it anyway, without her consent. What was she supposed to do? Call the FBI on her parents? She can go back to being an influencer & people…
I’m reading all these people bitching & judging wondering if I’m the only one who just hooks it together, then puts it on. Lol. Same as a sports bra or tank top. It’s never occurred to me to put it on, then hook it. That’s an amount of effort I'm not interested in expending to “not stretch the band” or whatever.
You know you can buy $50-$80 bras for like $6 at places like Ross & Burlington Coat Factory, right?
It’s helpful to society to correct misinformation though. The De Beers cartel lied & continues to lie about diamonds. They are literally just compressed carbon, & the most common stone in the universe. They are worthless. Allowing future generations to be bamboozled into believing a con that the baby boomers fell for…
#preach I want one of these Tiffany dog tags cuz I like silver, blue, & Audrey Hepburn: https://www.tiffany.com/jewelry/necklaces-pendants/return-to-tiffany-mini-double-heart-tag-pendant-GRP06366/ And necklaces are the only jewelry I really wear. I was talking about this with a friend & said I would get it engraved…
Wtf is wrong with you? Why would you teach your son to compromise with some psycho, materialistic, brainwashed, blood diamond thirsty bitch? Maybe just get a vasectomy? It sounds like you’d be a shitty parent. Also younger humans generally are giving less & less of a fuck about paying obscene amounts of money, for what…
Did you have a practical point? Or were you just being a morally superior dick for the sake of feeling superior & being a dick? Clearly he’d just rather not fuck with your judgemental ass. (You’re a hypocrite too if you drink ever). Next time, go with “you really shouldn’t smoke in the car, that’s how you get arrested…