That you a salty bitch who gonna die being bitter about the progression of humanity’s technology that occurred in your lifetime? You welcome.
I don’t like her, & Lolita gross af. But “underaged red” refers to being 18+, but under 21, & sneaking into bars. Still surprised Sephora didn’t stop her tho.
This article is bizarre. It’s like you were assigned an essay in school, where the objective was to explain what a youtube video is to an alien, but an alien that arrived after the apocalypse & there’s no electricity or internet so you can’t just show them.
What year was this? Who would expect you to take an extra actual camera?
What’s wrong with wanting to proactively support a business you like? Or conversely, doing your fellow humans a service by warning them the food is/looks like trash? It’s weird y’all don’t grasp the societal aspects of social media.
Y’all bitter elderly people keep using “iPhone photo" like it's an insult, but that just makes you sound silly. Like you are significantly out of touch with the rapid progression of technology. Smartphone cameras are superior to previously "professional" cameras. Are there even better professional cameras being made?…
I wonder if people cried like this when Ford started mass automobile production. Lol. “Now even the post office is using the newfangled things! What’s wrong with a horse? It’s so much more better to care for your living vehicle than these filthy machines. It’s traditional! Society is being ruined! Ruined I say!…
“it’s anti-social”. The way homo sapiens socialize has evolved. Crying about it won't reverse it.
That’s irrational af. You shouldn't be concerned about what other people do, so long as they aren't hurting you or another person.
You’re gonna die being bitter about that. Lol. Society is moving the complete opposite direction from where you wish it had stayed. It’s only to get worse for you, so you best talk to a therapist about how to stop letting other people affect you so profoundly. Otherwise you’re going to waste to rest of your finite…
Also, who do you want people to be ashamed of themselves for no reason? They aren’t hurting anyone, so where is your desire for them to feel shame coming from? You sound like the Catholic Church did you dirty & you’ve never recovered & developed a decent human personality.
I mean if they noticed you they probably thought “why is that creepy old man mad dogging us. Just ignore it. He’s probably a fucking rapist or a psycho. Don’t look. Pretend everything is normal”. Like. . . You’re a fucking freak. Lol. Them taking selfies in the cold (bring a snuggy if you’re that fragile grampa, some…
You should really talk to a professional about why you allow other people existing & doing things that don’t affect you in anyway, to affect you in such a profound way. That’s not normal or healthy. It’s bizarre.
Technically, the staff should check & ask you to fill out the total & sign, if they see that it is not complete (to protect the business). If the customer is a scammer or just a dick, they could file a chargeback. And if the restaurant can’t produce a receipt with a filled in total line (that matches what they…
“My point is anyone can be an abuser and that the assumption that a woman, any woman is “automatically safe” is a bad one”
Just don’t buy or pay for any of that shit, tell them you did. Then “throw your back out” & be unable to get out of bed when the time comes.
They should especially use the total line, if law enforcement is involved. Since the total is the amount has been authorized by the card holder. The tip line is there for convenience, but the cardholder has only authorized the total. If they charge less than the total, like this place, a real dick could file a charge…
That’s not how banking policy works, but go off. Lol.
Possibly cause this restaurant's policy & Salty's advice are actually backwards. The total line is the authorized amount. So if they charged $29 instead of the $25 authorized by the cardholder, that's fraud. Despite the tip line's existence.