

She got paid. It’s a job. Not charity. Wtf?

Lol. No, but hey did you know you’re a misogynistic trashcan who should just castrate themselves? Cause being a misogynistic trashcan makes you unfit to procreate. Also no, it isn’t. 😂😂😂 Also 6 of something isn’t a “shitload”. Also, you should not make up silly “facts”, little taxi driver. The internet connects us

Touching herself and clothes doing the dance = contaminated = obvs not maintaining a minimum standard. It’s video evidence of an aspect of the claims against her.


Bitterness level = 100% cacao

They really to drill into people’s heads, starting in Pre-school, no one gives a fuck. Not about you and ESPECIALLY not about your job or business. It’s meaningless and not worth sacrificing the only opportunity to EXIST that you get. Every time this happens it’s just fucking tragic.

I’d buy the pink shirt if it said California or Nevada on it, instead of Wyoming. It’s cute and kitschy. 😄

Probs the horror story that is Matthew Shepard’s murder? Maybe. Ignorance = Fear. My only impression of Wyoming comes from that incident and SLC Punk. I know there’s some not-Klansmen there. But if someone wanted me to visit there (or like Mississippi), I would probably say no? Cause I don’t think it’s safe.

OR! People like different shit than you. *gasp!* *shock!* *horror!*  

This article makes you sound like Varuca Salt, but whiny. 😶

I wouldn’t buy Uber stock. It’s a very pro-Rape company, doncha know? 😂😂😂 You just seem REALLY pissed off about the fact that taxis are generally shit so no gives af about this. #lyft4life. But also yah, it’s interesting how much you like to go “NO. Wrong! Try again. #SUPERIORCOMMENT I WIN YOU LOSE”. Like, ok

I mean an irresponsible drunk who will kill them in car crash shouldn’t have custody? And why should someone who has risked the life of everyone else in the street THREE times not get deported?

So how much do you owe on your medallion?

Do you feel like you lack any real authority or power in your life? You seem REALLY into pretending that you’re superior to other internet commentors who fail your comment pop quizzes. It’s kind of fascinating, really.

Did you also Google: “politicians with an R next their name but engage in libertarian shenanigans”? Cause there’s a lot of those.

Well that guy is a weird Nazi freak.


Nah. He’s giving stoners a bad name. He deserves a mob coming for him too he decides to act like a proper human.

She is saying that if they send the transwomen to men’s prisons, then they’ll send the transmen to the women’s prisons. Cause Biology.