She is saying that if they send the transwomen to men’s prisons, then they’ll send the transmen to the women’s prisons. Cause Biology.
She is saying that if they send the transwomen to men’s prisons, then they’ll send the transmen to the women’s prisons. Cause Biology.
You’re still here. Seems like you care we all think you’re an ignorant asshole.
It’s cause you never acknowledged that you’re an asshole who should stop being an asshole. Speculation on addiction is an asshole move. It’s really simple, really.
Cause they are a dumbass who has been seen or done drugs irl but ya know. They watch a lot of Intervention. So apparently that makes them a doctor instead of an asshole.
Yes, cause you’re a hateful dick. Get over it.
Pssst! Everyone was telling you you’re a dick. 😂😂😂
Same. These people are being silly.
You do know what editing is right? The next scene doesn’t always equal the next day. Lord this comment section. 😂😂😂 Brain implants are plausible but an abortion pill that’s just too far! 😂😂
Literally, including Black Mirror is one of the dumbest things I’ve seen on this website in a long time. Didn’t even read the rest. Sure it’s the future and she can see and hear what her child can see and hear on a fucking iPad, but the idea they’ve invented a new pill? Impossible! Brain implants are one thing, but…
You’re forgetting the part where that bullshit had been re-edited and re-translated by flawed humans until it became completely unrecognizable. Cause no. That’s not what was wrong with Sodom and Gamorahh. #ijit
How you feel about Otter Pops?
Ty! I was trying to think of what that reminded me of.
Lol. I bet we can all do 10,000 jumping jacks np.
What the fuck are you even babbling about? So if your average couch potato can’t do that many. . . little jumpy frogger hops? Idk what else to call that mess. Anyways, so if someone can’t do that. . . they aren’t allowed to point out that the Guinness standard appears to differ from the rest of human civilization’s…
It makes her look too weak to do the real exercise. So the woman’s record is now a joke. The charity is awesome. The making women look to pathetic to do real exercise is not cool.
I did, bitch is making us all look like weakass hoes. Do not appreciate.
Well how else are we supposed to let Guinness know, other than by calling out this bullshit on socal media? As a girl who found the different standards of fitness insulting in Gym class (“boys lift 20 lbs, girls you only have to do 10"), THIS HORSESHIT RIGHT HERE. IS WHY PEOPLE THINK WOMEN ARE TOO WEAK TO DO REAL…
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 What the fuck was that little hippity hop move she was doing? Good for her raising money, bad for her making women look like weakass bitches. Shame on Guinness really. Have some standards.