Can JK Rowling, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates just buy these people a plane ticket to the mainland? Islands really aren’t going to be realistically inhabitable for humans as the climate gets more bananas.
Can JK Rowling, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates just buy these people a plane ticket to the mainland? Islands really aren’t going to be realistically inhabitable for humans as the climate gets more bananas.
I was gonna say. People not in CA seem to not realize we see that fucking sign everywhere already. 😂😂😂 I saw one in a Starbucks near me at least a year ago. We don’t care. Lol.
Can We the People of the State of CA sue the non profit for being idiots?
*grumpy cat good*
How can you appropriate the culture of a country whose primary export is their culture?
That could be cute actually (I sense shade but still lol). Like if they did the promo photos of her of her doing those pin up “oopsie I dropped my robe *wink wink*” scenarios. With that blow up doll oh! mouth Lucille Ball and Bettie Boop would do.
Like, people should be warning these people to not come here rn. Is there anywhere safe to stay in Mexico? Or is it possible to intercept people and send them to another safer country by boat where they can seek asylum? (Obvs activists are who I’m talking about would do this charity to help)
*siiiiiiiiiiiiigh* the point of the second point is: a) he a dick and b) he got really REALLY upset when a woman criticized one of his characters for being a sexist cow who hates women. Which is relevant cause he used to profess his misogyny in his characters was a criticizism (#fightclub). So who did he get so…
Seemed more like she was criticizing the character for being a sexist jackel (which he allegedly wrote to prove misogyny is bad), and homeboy freaked the fuck at her for 20 mins cause he actually wrote that character to be just like himself and what he really thinks.
People are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more lenient with him because of that. But ultimately, he’s not committed to getting help and never had been. Which demotes him from “traumatized fucked up human who needs to be isolated from society and treated, so he doesn’t harm others” to “asshole using his sob story to try and get…
HE PLEAD GUILTY. Whhhhhhhhhy does he not think he deserves to be ostracized by society? Cause the Manson family made him do it? #crymeariver Bitch needs to get over his victim complex and accept he’s a gross sex offender.
“Donald and Susan Sutherland opened the first Cold Stone Creamery in 1988 in Tempe, Arizona.Sep 19, 2017"
Pssst! The word “will” means it’s what they’re going to do IN THE FUTURE, now that someone has suggested it. Will doesn’t indicate that it was behavior they already were engaging in. #wordswithfriends 😂👍
Why can’t I see my own posts? 😓😓
Real question for people in like Canada and Norway and Japan (and those other countries we always lament we’re not as good as); why TF are people still coming here? Instead of where y’all are. Is it still better to try and sneak in the US illegally than anywhere else on Earth? I just can’t imagine thinking here, is…
They let him win an Oscar after he plead guilty? Tf? There’s having a perspective of mercy and compassion, and then there’s crazy. That’s just crazy.
Lol. Idk how to explain to people that I think their house is as filthy as the rest of the outside world. So no. I’m not contaminating myself. GTFO. Or I will. 😂 I never understand people who don’t wear boots. DON’T YOU WANT YOUR FEET TO BE SECURE? I WORRY FOR YOU SANDALS PEOPLE. WHAT IF YOU GET PARASITES? 😷 😂
Is everyone illiterate? Lol. It says that a crowd of 1200 of the public get to stand near the entrance. They aren’t “invited to the wedding”. They are invited to stand a little closer than the rest of the crowd. Security logistics means you gonna be standing there forever, they won’t have churro carts like Disneyland,…