Also, I think you’re a dick based on your internet comments. HOWEVER. FUCK YEAH FROG AND TOAD.
Also, I think you’re a dick based on your internet comments. HOWEVER. FUCK YEAH FROG AND TOAD.
Apparently she’ll stop the show. Why are you pretending you can’t see all the evidence of that? Is Mueller coming for you too? Is that why you are so attached to your alternative facts? 😂😂😂
There’s another commentor who has been to a show who says that she did indeed single people out, and that she felt forced to leave her bf cause being called out would be “nightmarish” for her. So appaaaaarently, yeah. The artist is a real dick about it to the WoC she’s allegedly don’t this for.
More people should listen to you. You make sense.
I think she’s also missing out on the fact that women get fucking molested in a general admission/standing room only. So there’s gonna be some women she’s trying to kick to the back that were assaulted to get to the front. But she cares about proving a point for woc and not all women. Which is fine. But it does seem…
She’s not saying she’s entitled. She’s saying if she elbowed a dude to get that spot. Then another woman can fucking fight her for it. Why is the artist entitled to make people move either? They’re not based on your own logic.
Were there acts after her tho? Her own concert? Fine. Do that. And if someone like me or Pinkie Pie who camp out/get assaulted (lots of handsies dudes between you and the front row) to get up front, then yeah. We shouldn’t go to her show till the doors open. But in this specific case, the crux of the issue is: was she…
This was a festival tho. So if there were other acts after her, then yes exactly what Pinkie Pie is saying. If you waited longer to be at the front for the band AFTER her, then fuck that. And it does seem like a good way to alienate your more dedicated fans, but that’s her priorities. She knows who she wants as a fan.…
If you want to fuck over your more dedicated fans who waited longer to be closer to you (provided this is a standing room only situation) then. . . K. Cool. You do you. And your fans can kick rocks if they don’t like it.
Is he white or middle eastern tho? His name is more Slavic. You’d have to find out if the people reporting “lone wolf” are doing so on the basis that they think Uzbekistan = Eastern Europe, rather than Middle East. Or if they were already calling him that before his identity was released, but after the “Allah” story…
Uzbekistan. Could be ethnically Middle Eastern (increasing the statistical possibility of him being Muslim). But his name is Slavic af, so. . . ?
Yo Russia, control your terrorists. K thanx.
The ink is better now. So if you don’t have it done in someone’s garage, you should be A LOT better off with the appearance of your tattoos as you age. Compared to yours from the 80s or 90s. Especially the 80s. Provided your concern is more about the quality than the content of your tattoos.
I second Horshack’s motion. You sound like a condescending dick. This right here is why:
You should probably get your sodium levels checked, cuz you salty af.
What a trashcan. Just say “omg I don’t remember that. I’m sure I was trying to be funny, but fuck that is no excuse. I should have known I was being a dick and making you upset. I apologize”. Boom. Done. Why is that so hard for these entitled, narcissist, assholes. 😣
Wait wait. WAIT. There are people who think that Every Breath You Take ISN’T about a stalker. 😨 Well that’s horrifying.
Whhhhhhhhhy would you do that? Lol. Like, they gonna take back meaning? 😂
I’m confused, what is even the point of trying to rebuild any of these islands if this is the new normal? Shouldn’t the global effort be focused on evacuation and resettlement of the refugees?