
His existence promotes pedophilia because he is an unapologetic, unrepentant, unpunished pedophile.

Also, forced penetration with fingers is legally defined as rape. So Mr. Pussygraber was clearly ok, with possibly committing that crime when he sexually battered that woman. That’s why he being referred to as a rapist.

Idk how old you are, but yeah I don’t expect the media to hold my hand like that. I feel like it’s a courtesy when they provide links in an article. But if I want to know more about why this guy is an asshole everyone wants fired, I can Google it. Where I can see plenty of evidence that he is a pedophile, rapist,

So you think he should be given a platform to continue promoting pedophilia? Cause you think pedophiles are good? And just cause this pedophile tried to rape someone, doesn’t mean he’s a bad person who shouldn’t have a job? Cool beans, bro.

He’s repeatedly talked about his pedophilia in his reviews, on top of being a literal pussy grabber.

Has he acknowledged being a pedophile? Probably shouldn’t have a job where he is in contact with other humans, until he gets help for being a pedophile.


Why are you a racist trashcan?


Anyone who is going to use this skit as an excuse to not go out into the streets and fight Nazis (possibly to death), was never EVER going to go out into the streets to fight the Nazis (possibly to death).

Like, if it didn’t make you laugh, cool.

Isn’t it “jipped” and like from English, and has nothing to do with that tho?

I don’t feel like watching an idiot go off on about someone who is just generally a jerk. But wtf did she want Caitlin Jenner to do? Her answer was basically “I don’t really talk to these people anymore. Haven’t even met half of them. Idk wtf is up.” Like? I don’t like Jenner but her answers were pretty chill and not

They’re their stripper names. Lol.

Jesus Christ. I hope you are never the one put in charge of caring for a family member with a suppressed immune system. And if you are, may God have mercy on their soul. Probably drop their food on the floor and pick it up cause 5SECONDRULE!

Shouldn’t everyone be wearing gloves and masks to protect the kids? Or is your immune system not suppressed to that point if it’s HIV still?

The “treatment” will only push death off for a few months. The “doctors” want to do the experiment for research. His “parents” are either too upset or too stupid to see why going full Frankenstein on this child is evil. Which is why the British government is protecting the kid from being a human guinea pig. Fuck the

No. No. No no no nooooooooooo. It’s just as creepy af to us, tyvm.

Did the Pope say the baby should be brought to the US for experimental treatment though? Or that the baby should be allowed to die at home? I thought he was more saying a) placating Pope nonsense that god loves this baby blah blah. And b) their wish for home hospice care should be respected. Cause nobody trusts these

The people who are paid with your tax dollars to run your life. #government