
😁 My God. It’s full of stars.

*Ma’am. 😉

Wow. Did you learn that in law school? “Obviously, jury, you don’t know jack shit!” 😂😂😂 LOL!

Yeah he’s 100% wrong. He can Google for himself but there are literally millions of examples of (making up random numbers): “the 10 pills you need to take of this live saving drug cost $125 in Sweden (or wherever) and $23,225 in the US.” Cost the pharmaceutical companies the same $6 or whatever to produce the pills.…

Maybe our politicians should negotiate for low, competitive prices for our medicine and services. Rather than accepting legal bribes from the industry to fund their obscene campaigns and opulent lifestyles.

Well it’s a good thing the republicans in Congress approved $602,000,000,000 for defense. I’m mean how can we spend money on the sick and elderly? That’s just letting the terrorists win.

  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. In a Dutch oven or large pot, heat oil over medium. Add onion and garlic; cook until lightly browned, 5 to 8 minutes.

I sincerely hope with every atom of my existence, that her performance is nothing but his face on a screen with the words SONY’S RAPIST across it.

No actually, we really do live in the middle of the Mojave Desert. In cookie cutter housing tracks, with assholes who refuse to put down rocks/succulents/astroturf. I can take a pic of my asshole neighbor’s lawn for you.


IT’S A COMBINATION OF A “JUSTICE” SYSTEM THAT FAVORS CORPORATIONS OVER INDIVIDUALS, and a legal system that favors rapists over victims. So you want a cookie to give your judge friend for choosing a lucrative career predicated on upholding an unjust system? No. Lol.

Can you read?

This rich, creamy dish makes the perfect party dip. Otherwise, you might devour it all yourself.

So you’re saying that the entire American legal system, of which this judge chose to be a part, isn’t broken and doesn’t favor rapist and corporations over victims and individuals?

Her daughter was raped and is still being abused by the rapist, maybe don’t judge her and nitpick the way she’s saying “fuck you” to the broken legal system that has caused this situation? Just a thought.

Go Kesha’s mom.

I see where you’re coming from. The watermelon thing is a racist stereotype, and it is impossible to say that without being racist. Whereas, yes, you could mention maybe soul food or something and not sound racist. But just coming from this man, I think he means ‘i love tacos and hispanics’ exactly like how he would…

It’s cute how these politicians are shocked that people respond to oppression with violence. Did they not take a single history class in school?

How is a racist sack of shit eating a taco bowl while saying “I love Hispanics” any less offensive or racist than eating watermelon while saying “I love black people”? Or eating a bagel while saying “I love Jews” Or eating a corn on the cob saying “I love Indians”, which means they’d probably eat curry while…

That judgment for how one guy said “pads should be a right” makes you sound pretentious, ignorant, and smarmy af. It’s blatantly obvious what he’s saying. Which includes more than hygiene products not being taxed as luxury items. NEWSFLASH! NOT ALL WOMEN ON EARTH HAVE ACCESS TO THESE PRODUCTS, TAXED OR NOT. Way to…