

Why? She’s a rambling old woman. They’re two rambling old peas in a pod.

Wtf? Why are people so pedantic. He’s almost 80 and Jewish. The word ghetto to him (and a lot of people) is different from how many people use the word today. And like, I hear all the time “white people don’t understand x,y, and z about being black in a, b, c situation”. And I get that people mean in general, without

I was a horrible student because I thought school was slow and boring and preferred to read my own books, rather than whatever they were babbling on about. That being said, I remember going over the fucking Industrial Revolution in at least 5 separate years. Finally got to WWI in 10th grade (we were 15 and 16 years

She was apparently the MOH in her best friend’s wedding this weekend. She’s also extremely business conscious, and there’s nothing wrong with that. She probably would need to speak with her label or publicist or lawyer before bashing Sony in a way that could put her at risk for some kind of legal retaliation. You can

She needs money to pay the lawyer to win the legal cases so she doesn’t have to work with the rapist anymore.

Seriously. Gotta get them clicks!

I was gonna respond to this person, but you’ve done it for me. :D Thanks! Idg what’s so confusing about this study. Menopause is a very rare biological phenomenon, asking why we evolved to stop reproducing well before the end of our lifespan is not a strange scientific question to ask. But then you get people like

I’ve always had horrible periods. I remember just before the first one my parents were debating whether or not to take me to the hospital because they thought it could be appendicitis, the way I was crying. Plus I was 10, so first period wasn’t the first thing to come springing to mind. I suffered for years. Two

My very first thought is what if a woman who wants children stops getting BC because she finds out she’s infertile or her partner she wanted to have a child with died or, or, or, or. . . and the last thing someone would want is to start getting notices about choosing a goddamn baby doctor.

You never saw or read Charlotte’s Web in elementary school, did you?

How is it wrong for biologists to study why female humans evolved to stop reproducing fairly early in their life span, especially compared to male humans who can reproduce until death. Especially considering most animals on earth retain the ability to reproduce for their entire life span. As someone else said, whether

Why would they study male humans, who can naturally father children until death; when the question is why do female humans stop being able to reproduce decades before death?

It’s nice to see smart people in the comments. This is a scientific study asking why female humans are one of the only animals in earth that lose their ability to reproduce fairly early in the overall scheme of life. Most animals, as you pointed out either reproduce until death (like male humans) or spawn and die like

I had a dentist named Dr. Cuts. 😓

Yup. My dad’s best friend lived there so when I was little we took a ton of trips to Sedona. One time on a hike, I was like 8, and I was scratching the rock I was sitting on with a smaller rock and he was like “You’re not doing graffiti are you?!” I was like “ D: Noooooooooooo.” I was just drawing like lines. But I

Some one else pointed that out to me. I’ve always been a DC person. Lol. Not on some ridiculous principle, but I’ve never seen any Marvel movie cause . . . I’m sure they’re good, but I just feel indifferent, I guess. Like, I just can’t be bothered to watch an Iron Man or Avengers movie. I saw the trailer for Deadpool

Yeah. The other commenter made it clear what the problem was. All I took from the jez article was “why did the studios put him in this movie” the answer being he’s the one who tried to get it made for 10 years. And was like, wtf is this author on about. Lol. The other commeter very concisely explained the issue is the

Ah. I see what you are saying. The rhetoric of a successful white actor being an underdog is ridiculous. It’s just coming across in the Jez article as complaining why would the studio greenlight this with him, and then turn around and say they can’t do this or that involving more diverse casting and films. And in this

This isn’t really the movie to bring that up on, “ Ryan Reynolds spent the better part of a decade trying to get a Deadpool movie made. ... ‘get into trouble for saying that, but I’ve waited 10 years to do this movie so I’m leaving with a fucking suit.’.” From a cinemablend article about him taking home a suit. He’s