
He’s starring in Deadpool because he and the director have been trying to get this movie made for 10 fucking years. It is his passion project. You probably shouldn’t be writing about something without researching it. Ask why him and not any other actor (black or white) in any other movie. OK. All why him and not

I think a scientist explaining scientifically that “race” is an artificial social construct, not an actual biological difference between humans, so racists are idiots obsessed over something that should be a non issue; is different from a person who benefits from those racists’ idiocy in a culture saying, “oh well it

Is anything happening with those kids she hijacked? Like, are any of the parents suing? Can law enforcement charge her with something? Or the other adults there. Idk what you could legally call detaining children whose parents gave consent for them to see plants and are too young to understand or consent to a change

Seriously. PTSD, OCD, Bipolar Disorder, Major Depression, and Schizophrenia are the most offensively overused psychiatric terms and they’re all conditions you can get disability for (in the US). It’s just rude. Sociopath annoys me as well. Like, just because someone stole your parking spot doesn’t mean they have

He really is. Like I get not wanting his bill to die on that hill. But to just be all meh about it is not OK. Like, it’s so disgusting that these people in power would let animals suffer because they don’t want to remove illegal homophobic content from an existing law, because that might imply they feel gay people

“gosh I’m so OCD about that”

I think it’s because the homophobic members would be outraged that this animal bill is taking away their unconstitutional law, which they would then feel like they’re endorsing or accepting homosexuality (cause they seem to always forget sodomy includes women giving them blowjobs and whatnot). And this dude just wants

You explained it better than the article. I was still kind of confused. But I think I get it. His bill is to stop any and all animal torture and cruelty. Bestially is obviously animal cruelty. He cites the existing bestially law, which has a dumbass line about human sodomy stuck all in it, and doesn’t want to risk

That man should be charged with negligent homicide.

They should sue if the school suspended them and dragged their name through the mud without looking at the purple af pictures that everyone is posting on the comments. It’s good for a school to act quickly and harshly in these situations. But make sure it actually happened first.

OK, so I have severe OCD (which is something one can receive disability for and employers are required to accommodate) and I CANNOT have people I don’t know touching me. I will have a panic attack. If I’m traveling should I have proof? I presume an airline is required to accommodate me, legally speaking (within

Are they drunk? Do they really think they’ll ever be able to force people to go die like they did in Vietnam ever again? People just aren’t going to go. The last two wars were an abomination. No one supports or trusts the military’s lies about our “enemies” anymore. It’s a different world, we can all talk to reach

Are the police required, legally, to use a victim’s legal name no matter what?* I’m sure on paperwork, but a statement seems different. Do they have a choice in the matter? It seems at the very least they could use the legal name in a statement followed by “AKA chosen name”. What about the trial? They’ll be allowed to

You’ve obviously never been to Disneyland and seen the hidden R right next to the hidden W. 😝

Sooooooo . . . you’re letting a handful of college douchebros who want Bernie to legalize marijuana and can’t vote for Hillary cause their sexist assholes that spend their time acting like 7th grade internet bullies who have no power in their real lives. . . have power over you. Despite what the author of the article

I need a lawyer. How do you actually murder someone and then get convicted of attempted murder. Even though your attempt to murder them, resulted in then being murdered. . . by you.

You explain it perfectly. The stalls in the US are not very private. Too much room for creepers (and by that I mean straight cis men) to be creepy. And someone else downthread mentioned protecting privacy, as well as addressing cleanliness and smell. Doing this isn’t the problem, doing this with the existing restrooms

I think there should be three. Women, Men, Family. I would say just one for everyone, but the men’s rooms I’ve been in at work STINK. LIKE A FUCKING LITTERBOX. If there’s a free supply of cheerios for men to throw in there so they have something to aim at, fine. But as long as so many of them insist of pissing all

Yeah, but once the children are closer to being adults, they usually get a say. He’s said he wants to be with his dad. Now he has this to use against her in court. Not sure how she is in private, or of the kid is willing to commit perjury if she’s not saying things like this in private. But he can now say to a judge

So she is going to have go in front of an American judge and say, “well that word isn’t as bad in England!” Yup. I’m sure that will work.