I believe it is possible without congressional approval for a state not to observe DST, as is the case with Arizona. However, CA, OR, and WA all voted to abolish standard time, which is what we just switched to.
I believe it is possible without congressional approval for a state not to observe DST, as is the case with Arizona. However, CA, OR, and WA all voted to abolish standard time, which is what we just switched to.
And they were right-wing too, so that’s double protected. White supremacy and right-blindness are a hell of a combination. Two horrible tastes, together as one, as they so often are.
I was raised nominally Catholic (I never quite believed it any of it, I just sort of thought it was the symbolic mythology available to me) and my dad was educated by Jesuits. Though I have a lot of issues with the stances of the Catholic Church takes, and their persistent reluctance to really root out bad actors,…
“the Trojan horse of Kamala’s technocracy”
When I was a child, I lived in an area of the country where the minority groups I encountered tended to be of Hispanic or East Asian extraction (I am very, very white). LeVar Burton was, in many ways, my introduction to African Americans both from Reading Rainbow and from TNG. I have respected this man since I was a…
Boning chicken thighs is surprising easy. Slit the meat down the bone, snip a coupe of tendons with a sharp knife, then scrape the meat off the bone, and in about 2 mins you have a boneless flavorful chicken piece, and bones you can use to make stock later.
For the last several years I have been making a lot of sauces that are methodologically pesto, in that I use the general ideas of pesto alla Genovese but with other herbs, nuts, and so forth.
Ah, the "Dance Macabre" for the modern age.
Io Saturnalia!
The obviously correct answer to who should play Mrs. Danvers is, of course, David Mitchell:
People are strange.
I am so glad we got AC installed earlier this year. The heat alone in unpleasant but I can’t say I enjoy being Canadian smoked daily.
It’s always nice to see a new outdoor production of The Magic Flute.
Ah, but the true holy grail of adulthood is both cheap wine and fancy lego sets shared with one’s partner. Add in a nice costume thing mystery and there’s nothing better.
Ours were originally brown, orange, oxblood, and lime green. We offloaded the green ones, but I am sitting here with my feet on one of the brown ones. I cannot recommend them enough and Ethan Allen, if you are reading this somehow, I know a lot of people who would like a set of these.
We have. A set of those that we got from mygirlfriend’s mom. They are among the finest examples of really useful furniture to be found anywhere. All hail the stacking footstool.
On the specific topic of board games, it would seem to me (granted this is personal preference and also my lived reality) that one would wish to be more or less on par with the skill of one’s partner, so that each game is a challenge for both, thus increasing the fun. Fun being the overall object. Besides, there is no…
Every communist party I join ends up being a pot luck. Eat the rich (delicious food).
How monstrously mighty must the heart of that great customer be? How immeasurably great their sense of Anglophilic purpose!
Better yet, some good fresh ripe figs and some jamon serrano.