As a guy who started losing his hair at the absurd age of 17 I can say that Patrick Stewart has been a kind of patron saint. It does not hurt that he seems to be a generally excellent guy.
As a guy who started losing his hair at the absurd age of 17 I can say that Patrick Stewart has been a kind of patron saint. It does not hurt that he seems to be a generally excellent guy.
I went to school with a fellow named Carlos Foster. Great guy.
I don’t think so as I fear to try it as I don’t just get the itchiness (that I could bear) but my throat tightens which is worrisome in the extreme.
I developed this to peaches and the like, and it is a small mild hell. I love peaches, they are, in fact, my favorite fruit. I’ve not had a peach in nearly 10 years.
Well, I’m glad I’m not to the only person who immediately imagined a cassowary. Granted, mine was butchered, dressed, rubbed with rosemary and set to roast on a rotisserie, but it remained a cassowary. A delicious cassowary.
Eldritch Horror is one of my favorite boardgames. It does have a long set-up time (which can be optimized through the judicious use of a tackle box for all the pieces) but it’s great fun. The Mountains of Madness expansion also adds good new characters and a nice re-roll mechanic.
And really isn’t that, at the end of the day, after marure and sober deliberation, both the necessary and sufficient foundation for happiness?
Taxonomy can be weird like that. Nothing like a little reclassification to make things interesting.
I belive it has now been settled that giant pandas are indeed bears, members of the family ursidae. They are weird bears, but still bears.
Wait. These were not intended to be satirical? The men’s comments I mean. Yikes. I fell a strong need to apologize for sex I happen to belong to.
Possibly due to some memory of Bob, I once had an NPC in a game, a sly, extremely compitent sergeant called Bob. The fact that Bob was a woman made no matter to anyone. And, yes, I do pronounce Bob correctly.
Agreed. And it should be "kids will be kids".
If the "boys will be boys" defense was relegated to explaining why one's six-year-old thought it was a good idea to bring a bucket of frogs into the living room and similar things I could see it being a semi-legitimate defense.
I had to use Vietnamese fish sauce and I couldn't quite shell out for the stuff from Sicily. I might next year, now that I kind of know what I am doing.
I celebrated the Ides of March yesterday by cooking reconstructed ancient Roman food. It was time consuming but worth it. And there were no slaves. Though there was the stabbing of Gallus Julius Caesar . . .
I believe you may have been given a London Fog: Earl Grey, steamed milk, and vanilla syrup. I enjoy a well made one every once in a blue moon as a treat, but they're better with almond syrup (and not too much of it either, only enough to round out the flavors).
I just resolved to re-read all the whole Solar Cycle (Book of New Sun, Urth of the New Sun, Book of the Long Sun, and Book of the Short Sun) beginning on the solstice.
So it is not just me then that finds the dreaded s-word to be so aesthetically displeasing.
Firstly, this fellow is simply offal for thinking this.