
And do what, for fuck sake? Is Mueller going to stop investigating if we don’t keep “our eye on the goddamn ball?” Are Flynn’s lawyers going to reverse course if we don’t keep “our eye on the goddamn ball?” I’m so tired of all you “I’m-better-than-you-at-seeing-what-Trump’s-really-doing” assholes lecturing the rest of

You were thinking that maybe details of the Mueller investigation would make for juicy blogs on Deadspin, were you?

I think I used too many big words and correct grammar. Bad trolling.

We know who it is going to anyway.

It’s important to note that Contreras-Sweet does not want to retain Bob Weinstein under her proposal.

I am adding it to my list of life goals to be a Surprise Woman.

Read this headline as David Attenborough. “A group of male executives is milling around the fallen Weinstein Co. But, what’s this? In the underbrush, a surprise woman has found the kill.”

Hey! Hey 1st Amendment defenders! Here is a literal—and I know that word is used incorrectly far too often—but an honest-to-God LITERAL example of 1st Amendment rights being threatened.

..best damn Christmas movie too (after Die Hard and Gremlins)


Maybe she should have gone with ‘Drink more Ovaltine’ instead.

Joey from Friends.


Chief Wiggum is a fat incompetent White American on a show dominated by White Americans of every bloody sort.

For those complaining that “The Simpsons mock everyone” and therefore it’s ok here’s the thing; on the show most of those “mockings” are either one of many of that sort of character or they’re a parody of a cultural reference.

Translation; “this doesn’t affect me personally so I don’t care.”

You might care about sheldon if everyone you met during the day assumed you were him and treated you like they’d treat him, though

For all the folks in the comments getting angry about the Indian guy being critical of the fictional Indian character and that he should “just get over it.”

You can mention the positives you think Apu represents without calling this “total bullshit.”