Railing against gentrification while doing everything to support it while simultaneously letting us know she is one of the good ones for recognizing it. Did I miss anything?
Railing against gentrification while doing everything to support it while simultaneously letting us know she is one of the good ones for recognizing it. Did I miss anything?
Complaining about gentrification while announcing which Whole Foods you shop at is a bit... how you say... whack?
This statement is getting reused, but my response to this as a Reinhardt is two fingers and the angriest face I can muster.
A a Lucio main, the best feeling in Overwatch is bullying a Reinhardt.
Sleep darting a Genji or Tracer is super satisfying too.
NHL fans do it all the time with pride
I love that buying the thing you want directly is touted as a feature of this system.
Still no midwestern team, so...
Motion aiming is a pretty big game changer for games that support it.
Journalism doesn’t really work like that. My job is to remain in contact with games so that people can be informed as to what’s happening in them. I try to call out trash practices when I see them. I’ve done that for Battlefront II, be that my review or a longer piece about how much I think loot boxes are bullshit. …
I don’t think there’s any specific moment where I was going to kill myself, but I’ve been very depressed, and life has seemed very hopeless and not worth living for a while... and it’s honestly fiction like Game of thrones and Star Trek Discovery that I feel make life worth living. Like I’d never kill myself without…
Tom King is the best thing that’s happened to DC in a very long time. Him, along with Tomasi, Gleason and Tynion, have revitalized the Batman/Superman relationship back from the dreck the New 52 put it in, and I could not be more thankful.
That’s why you choose reviewers that share your taste.
In this comment section:
I think your analogy would work better if someone said they loved Madden 14 or whatever, disliked Madden 15 and 16, and then was given 17 to review.
I chose to review it because, as I said in the second paragraph, I was hoping that Takahashi and crew would make something I enjoyed more this time around.
Definitely very hard to be good with Doomfist. He’s usually ineffective, and if I am playing the random-hero arcade mode, I loathe getting him. Basically kill myself for a different hero. You never see him in the POTG or anything.
Downloading as we speak, so apologies if I look silly saying something that’s in there.
Because, as is explained not just in the podcast but in the transcript, Geoff would rather have an audience of millions than an audience of dozens.
I wanted to be blown away by this trailer but it’s fairly underwhelming. I understand they’re still in post-production but it’s almost all reaction shots to something off-screen.