
Legacy was a story-based initiative of telling familiar stories as close to a dozen books all hit milestones. Fresh Start is being positioned to jump out of that and build on what happened in Legacy.

According to Saladin, the book was pitched as a 6 issue mini-series with enough story built in to do a second set of 6. Issue 12 finishes out the pitch.

It’s worth it. Being able to play it lying in bed next to my sleeping fiance, using motion controls to slay demons, is just too dang good. The Switch version is the bomb.

Publishers really need to stop putting issue numbers on one-shots. You’re right.

Just come to my neighborhood and take a picture next time they drive by.

Missouri actually spent more time engaged with our own Missouri Civil War than with the rest of the Civil War. The cultural differences between northern and southern Missouri are pretty stark and have been since the state’s inception (source: family in both ends of the state that are perfectly representative of the

This is so cool! I have adored watching her perform in Master of None and can’t wait to see more roles from her.

Civil War II. I’ve defended a lot from Marvel, but I’ve seriously considered putting my CW2 books in the trash can.

I have relationships mapped out for almost every NPC in my games, and you bet your butt that there are relationships mapped out for very many NPCs in published games. All this is saying is that some of those relationships are gay now.

He repeatedly lied to the city of St. Louis and was generally an awful member of the community. He’s hated around here.

It’s creepy he enjoyed his wife watching TV with him?