
I’ll be curious to see how the “sub-numbering” works, but if they actually follow through on that promise, I’m cool with it.

Forgot that Now! 2.0 is a thing. But holy shit, I am beyond stoked for Aaron’s take on Avengers. Dude is fuckin’ brilliant.

I agree there should be a tax on guns, and that video games are far too frequently used as scapegoats in these situations. And I’m both a gun owner and a gamer.

I’ve seen a lot of comments about how he’s still wrong and still a sociopath, but I don’t think that’s the point.

I kind of love it. It’s a proper goofy Doctor outfit like Peter Davison with his strolling around with goddamn celery pinned to his lapel and Tom Baker’s scarf or Sylvester McCoy’s Question Mark umbrella.

Him dumping Storm was badass?

SIDEBAR: FUCK was Secret Wars great.

Yeah, sorry about Nerd Rage being on hiatus. I got sick during the holidays and other work for other clients took over my regularly-scheduled-Nerd-Rage-time.

That is too bad. Maybe next season they will put more heart and seoul into their gaming.

He plays Nick Fury.

LMAO. Everyone here and on io9 is so negative and I’m stoked. Give me all the Star Wars media I can possibly stand, I’m ready.

I had absolutely no intention of subscribing to a Disney streaming service. I’m already a Disney fanboy so I have every Disney movie I would ever want to watch. This whole idea of being nickle’d and dime’d with streaming services is something that I protest. Let me just say, they’d have to come up with something

You know someone’s a badass when they attack penis size.

Ugh. Boston sports fans are the worst. Even worse than Cardinals fans.

Hey Stephen, I notice that the motorbike game possibly has character avatars? Are those Miis making their Switch debut? Or another character created for the game? Are Miis dead?

This is gonna make you feel better! :D

I look forward to continuity mistakes being blamed on the reader for caring too much about a comic book.

Is the Star Wars saga at its best when it’s challenging, or is it at its best when it’s affirming, inspiring and celebratory?

Thank you for being literally the only game journalist worth knowing by name.

It’s not news - EA made it quite clear during the original announcement in November that the removal of microtransactions was temporary.