We need to introduce some sort of Superhero Writer Registration Act
We need to introduce some sort of Superhero Writer Registration Act
It would be super hypocritical of comic book fans to punish someone just for having an alter ego.
I’m just gonna take a second to say that Bleeding Cool sucks.
these are not the men the country... wants right now. They are also not the men the country needs. There is a resurgence of energy coming from the left wing of the Democratic Party. Cuomo, whose political engine is running almost entirely on the fumes of very wealthy donors, has worked mightily to…
And just because one person didn’t behave well with one other person, doesn’t mean they aren’t good people. Good people make mistakes and do some bad things. They make amends and learn from them. Bad people do bad things constantly and don’t ever take responsibility. I think the women of Saturday Night Live were…
I don’t even throw them $5. It they are completely optional and if they were purchasable then everyone would have them and it would make them less special. Plus it funds free dlc that the game needs so I’m good with them.
how else do you explain it?
But, if the whole police dept was scouring the streets for HER, then who was doing all of the shooting, beating and robbing?
Classical Bortus
As The Orville is an allegedly progressive and inclusive show, I’m deeply disappointed that McFarlane and his writers fell back on dated and insulting coulrophobic stereotypes in this episode. Most clowns will NOT try to eat you (not even Hobo Clowns). To exhibit irrational fear upon meeting a clown you don’t know is…
Honestly, he’s been the very first open person to admit he was wrong, apologize for it and said yes he should have an ethics investigation.
As far as the photo, I mostly agree with you - it doesn’t look to me like he actually touched her, but instead was just aiming for “hey look, I’m pretending like I’m going to grope this unconscious woman against her will, HA HA SO FUNNY.” It’s disgusting, offensive, and incredibly disrespectful towards her, but if he…
Cue in the Rampage video game purists saying how the movie got the ‘story’ and lore wrong.
We have two options here.
I actually really enjoyed that episode...
Personally I don’t get all the hate. I like that they delved a bit more into the backstory of a different experiment and I liked seeing all the punk stylings of the ‘80s again, even if it was a bit of a mishmash.
No, they got tired of eating it after about four days.
I’m waffling between team Eleanor/Tahani and team Main Cast Orgy.