
I quite like Penny Arcade this week. It’s the desperate attempt we have all made to get our friends to play just this one game that flew under their radar.

Honestly I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about Battle Chasers, but I’ve been preoccupied with Original Sin 2. Will definitly check it out SOOON.
It lookss

True, and some people are probably better at their backlog than me. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed trying to decide what to play I end up just refreshing Facebook. I might need help.

Its not price gouging thats a very different offense. Nor is it racketeering (asking for protection money). This is more an instance of vertical tying. Where you only allow the consumer to purchase an item if they purchase another item.

Hey—I actually hadn’t seen that until just now! Very interesting. This article was inspired by overhearing my boss getting frustrated with GameStop over the phone when he asked about their Switch pricing.

Honestly, I’m sorry. This isn’t Burger King. You can’t have it “your way.” Not every elected official has to check off the boxes that counter hetero, white, male. Your need to traffic in the ideal candidate as someone who is the opposite of that is a waste of time. In the end, politics are about ideas. Separate

This attitude is exactly why the Democrats are in the mess they are in now. Giving up ground continuously without any sort of fight at all.

Not old. Jane is just not very good at advice.

So sexual coercion is suddenly okay? What happend with enthusiastic consent?
What are you proposing sounds super rapey.

Eh. I’ve got a very high libido, but I generally only want sex with my wife at night (that’s the time of day I am at my peak arousal I guess?) If we get up in the morning early, i’m not dying to have sex, but at night, if she even brushes up on “it” it’s play time lol Guys definitely have a time preference. I don’t

Ooor, he just has a low libido. Which men have! Lots of men! I feel like everyone jumps to asexuality these days instead of “maybe the man/woman just prefers sex less frequently.”

I think the suggestion that he’s gay is totally off-base. Men have low libidos too, and men can be fussy about sex too. It’s harmful to presume that every low-libido man is actually gay, since it forces performative gender roles on men and women and leads to people talking around or dismissing the actual issue causing

Look at the things Democrats have let thru with barely a whimper, just this year: The confirmation of nearly all of Trump’s cabinet, including legendary racist Sessions - who some of them openly supported, Supreme Court justice Gorsuch(sp) - an appointment which wasn’t even Trump’s to make, who knows how many other

Agreed, she lost me when she didn’t come out during the Bush administration and tell the American people that not only was the government torturing people, but the President was authorizing it and finding ways to make it legal.

I wrote an enraged Facebook post to Rachel Maddow because she interviewed McCaskill and lionized her as an example of exemplary female service in the Senate. This, while at the same time, McCaskill was doing nothing as Ferguson erupted in protests followed by militarized occupation and abuse by the police in wake of

Now that you got that off your chest.... The question was, do you stand up whilst playing your switch? Not the too cool4skool, are you “done” with Nintendo?

I’d like to add:

No, it’s been thought out. The insurance companies can use all the money they’ve made off of people’s bodies to go somewhere nice and, upon arrival, fuck themselves.

Aww, I like playing with the kiddos at Gold SR. They have fun, know their shit, and generally are decent teammates (annoying as fuck Voice-chat habits aside).

Still patiently waiting for an AR compatible AoE that’s playable on coffee table. Since it’s owned by Microsoft, dare we say a ‘Hololo’ Lens edition?

Kind of like not having to watch Two Girls, One Cup to know it’s shitty....