
As someone who has owned both, I can say that the stock iPhone keyboard blows up nearly every Android keyboard. Swype and SwiftkeyX are the only two that come close. Now the WP7 keyboard on the other hand, is equal or better to the iPhone's.

I really want this, but I gotta say, Steve had it right with the iPad's screen dimensions. Holding that thing in portrait looks like it would be a pain.

Me too...Can't wait to read their iPhone 5 liveblog. OH WAIT.

Lumia 900 sales figures haven't been available. The story linked to included sales number up to about a week after the 900 launch, and neither company has commented on Lumia 900 sales figures. Just sayin'

Love the Fitmodo stories, Brent. I'd love if you could do a minimalist running transition guide some day. I know you've done vibram, merrell and others for the reviews, but i've spent the last 8 years running in a traditional shoe and am worried about just jumping into a pair of zero-drop shoes.

too soon, dude.

D300ses aren't that much more expensive, and they're way more awesome.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it does. The 3200 does/will compete with the T3i/T3/T4.

I think Rio De Janiero should be on this list....especially during Carnival.

Couldn't disagree more. You wouldn't give your sixth grader a top-of-the-line Yamaha trumpet for band class, so likewise you shouldn't give a soccer mom interested in photography a 5D or 1DX. The Canon Rebel Txi line are all great starter DSLRs that give a great featureset for the money. I mean hell, they have the

You only need one WP7 game. Tentacles. Best touchscreen game I've ever played and worth any price.

You can probably also buy this stuff in any head shop in states where bath salts and synthetic marijuana haven't been outlawed. And probably a few where it has.

Brent, you do the whole minimal/barefoot thing—did you just dive in, or did you gradually switch over to less intense options? I'm doing the former, and just picked up a pair of Saucony Kinvaras. What should I expect?

I just took the plunge on Kinvara today. I'm really excited to see if the hubub is all worth it.

NO WAY MAN! Both Google and Apple ripped off Texas Instruments! Have you even seen their calculator apps????

I was really hoping that the $15/month would offer a little more—like access to Woodstock or a Zune Pass in addition to XBL. I guess it's better than buying all the included stuff with a credit card and paying off interest for two years, but it's not worth it otherwise.

Douche Chill. I don't understand why in the world you would want Win7 running on a mobile device. He could have gotten a laptop and a iPad/Kindle fire/Nook Color/Android Tab for that much.

Anybody else die a little when he hit the 5d with a hammer? I did.

Just going to say this. All of these things would actually hamper your ability to watch golf. Except the socks. Unless they're uncomfortable.

D90 didn't shoot HD video, though. Wah wah.