
If you're just starting out, pick up a D5100 or a Canon T2I/T3I. The 60D and D7000 already have more than you'll need for years, most likely. You don't need a 5DMIII, D800 unless you're making money from the work that comes out of your camera.

In a word, lots. For starters it has a full-frame sensor that sees about twice as much as your camera does. The basic difference there is that the D800 will do better in low light situations, but you might need a different set of lenses, because a lot of lenses made for cameras like yours will vignette around the

Wah wah wah I'm going to go rewrite a press release for an underwater iPhone case!

You can still get it most places, but they took the caffeine and other fun stuff out, rendering it useless for SEC football tailgates and just about any other application where it is needed.

I don't get how the 5DMkIII is an "advanced amateur" body. The price tag says pro, the feature set says pro and the full-frame sensor says pro. Not to mention the 5dMkII is a staple for most newsroom photo desks and film studios nowadays. All of the bodies in that comparison are made for professionals, for that matter.

Most of the other reporters I know carry the cheapest notebook they can get, bound at the top of the page. So this probably wouldn't work. And we're too poor to look dapper, so there's that, too.


i see what you did there. Or rather, don't see it.

2) He sure buried the lede on that one then, didn't he? Main points don't usually slip in on the second-to-last graf.

Yeah, and I'm pretty sure they shat all over Amazon Cloud Player, too. I'm not sure what they're expecting from cloud music services, but Google Music isn't bad. I can play all my songs without having to download a desktop app, and if I don't buy songs from them, it's not a big deal. The free locker is awesome.

the athletic and administration departments do not equal the university. No one is calling Staters a bunch of pedophiles. But those involved in the cover-up have to be brought to justice, no matter how many wins they have.

There are any number of Tobias Funke quotes that would be wildly inappropriate if used in a Sandusky story.

Developers haven't even started to write apps for the dual-core processors in most new mobile devices, save maybe a couple of in-house apps from Apple for the 4s. And don't even get me started on what those extra cores are going to do to the already-power hungry Android OS. Can you even call it mobile if you have to

Quad-core is nice and all, as is ICS, but really, is it necessary for a tablet? I mean all those specs aren't really worth anything for what is essentially an OS that runs web apps and simple games. I'm not saying this to hate on Android—I've been in the ecosystem since I got my Nexus One more than 2 years ago—but

The thing about this story is that this could have— and to an extent, does— happen at D1 schools across the country.

Clinkscales just forgot he wasn't sitting next to the big screen. Honest mistake.

I Roethlisbergered someone once. Now I have to register as a sex offender where ever I go.


I think you should have used the one with Lindsay Lohan. Cause, you know, boobs.

Y'all know by the time you get one for review you're just going to write something along the lines of this: The iPhone 4S is so magical that seconds after turning it on for the first time I had to go change my pants. You know, from all the spooge.