dark swan queen

Quality Italian

I suspect these secret emails contain conclusive proof that he is, in fact, a vampire. The makeup on Mike’s face cannot conceal that this is not a normal color for a living human hand:

Dear God, please let there be gay porn in his emails. Gay porn he stars in.

Please, please, please, let the Trump-Pence administration’s first full scale scandal... be the contents of leaked emails.

Really? Cause it just looks to me like someone trying to hide their handwriting.

The thing I like best about responding to them like this is, someone will read this. And that someone will know that what I’ve said is correct. And that little cognitive dissonance will just never quite go away. Always there. Nagging. Love going for the long, slow death of someone’s hatred.

Of course it will do no good but I just used NOM’s website to send them the following ...

Hey NOM? You can fuck right off with your scare quotes bullshit.


And seat them at the kids’ table. And give the kids craft stuff.

Have there been any updates on Trump’s ties to the convicted rapist’s offshore sex slave ring? I don’t understand why they’re not all in prison for multiple years, or why that one guy got out early and continues to own his own island. I don’t understand prosecutors, I don’t understand judges, and I don’t understand

THIS. THIS THIS THIS. You win all the internets today.

Just when I thought I was done crying about this election....

Two weeks before the election, my ex-girlfriend announced her engagement, with the wedding planned for next year.

his dangerous “gender identity” directives

Start donating and volunteering with pro-lgbt organizations. They are gonna need money and resources to fight this bullshit. Fuck NOM

We now have definitive proof that gay marriage changes fuck all in people’s lives. But apparently 2016 is the year that common sense, decency and actual facts have left the building so these NOM assholes will probably do well.

Imagine the selective cognition necessary to keep pushing for a cause after precisely nothing bad happened when you didn’t get your way the first time?

Not gonna lie, as a republican, pence scares the living hell out of me. Can like, we kick all the religious bigots out of my party please, and confine them to a party called the religious bigoty stupid club?

No star-to-ungrey power with me, so this comment should do it.